Blunted 4 lyfe
Well-Known Member
We don't have wallmarts here so can't comment on there bags. Are they just cloth bags like the smart pots?
Most sizes of my smart pots have handles expect the 2l ones which is no problem as they are only used for about a week.
Another thing I forgot is they are made from recycled plastic bags so
I'm doing my bit for the environment.
I hear you bro do your recycling thing, yea about the Walmart bags they're made of cloth and also have handles you can see them the picture they're just tucked in for the picture.
I went to local nurseries looking for smart pots found root pouch bags instead got me a few then I stumbled on Walmart bags at Walmart and used those ever since.
I'm not knocking any grow bags I'm just saying the savings are for tight budgets and do the same shit.