Do you need to cure ganja b/4 cooking it?


Well-Known Member
I've got quite a bit of sugar leaves and immature buds from lower branches that are super sticky and got to wondering if you need to cure them before cooking them for edibles. If you do need to cure them, how long? Same as the buds? 3-4 weeks? Or is drying them good enough before one bakes with them.
dry will work, although I prefer to freeze it after drying and until ready to cook.
Thanks Chuck,
Do you think like with smokeables which gets better cured, the same is true for edibles? Does the potency increase with curing the ganja thats going to be cooked? I've never seen this question addressed anywhere before. I have a feeling that once it' dry, thats as potent as its going to cook with.

When you freeze your sugar leaves and such...which happens to be a good you freeze it after it dries..or do you wait a few weeks and let it cure? I'm curious if there's a given answer to this question, but like I said, I never saw any scientific answer to this.
Thanks again man.,..
curing does not improve potency, it only improves taste and smell, when cooking,it really doesn't matter, but you DO want it dry before freezing it, WET is NEVER good.