• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

do you really wanna make it legal



all i want is the right to grow and smoke herb in the privacy of my own home. i dont care if the government sells better shit for cheap.......not my concern. i just dont want law enforcement knocking on my door because i like ganja. feel sorry for the folks who make a living off of it but it should be everyones option to grow their own without fear of retribution.
Very well said. +rep


Well-Known Member
There is no downside to legalization. People using it for medical purposes would still get to grow 15 plants or whatever there limit is, where as even the average recreational user would be able to grow 3 legally


Well-Known Member
the right to have it, smoke it, grow it, for yourself and for friends of age is abused by folks that try to make profit from it. thats why its still illegal because people like growbro, y bother producing quantity for alot of people, when every1 could grow there own with 5-6 plants and have enough for yourself and not have to worry about growing all the time and expecting money for what you do.


Active Member
There's a bigger social injustice being practiced by the fact of it's status....
Whether I was medical, which I very well could be. I think it should be totally legal, maybe taxed like other herbs.


Well-Known Member
I would like to make it legal because I don't really want people selling it for artificially inflated prices created by prohibition.

I think people should be free to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody, but I'd rather see all the drug dealers go out and get a job that contributes more to society and/or sell their weed for REASONABLE prices ($50-100 an ounce) if they really want to farm weed for a living. There is no GOOD reason why anybody should have to pay $80-100 for a quarter ounce of good weed, and the only reason it is that way is because of the ignorant prohibition laws.

I'd also like to see the thousands of innocent people who were guilty of nothing more than using an intoxicant less dangerous than alcohol and never hurting anybody allowed back into society where they could make a contribution to the world and enjoy their lives as everyone deserves to do. To keep these people in prison and throw more people in with them so a few drug dealers can continue to make unreasonable profits seems pretty selfish to me...

so i am just asking a question and telling about my personal opinion share yours im interested in the thoughts on riu?

i live in a state where medical marijuana is legal but i have stayed under the radar and since the latest big boom i have lost costumers to the dispenceries. i was just growing enough to live comfortably. now why would all you guys wanna make it legal if in the end we are gonna lose money like i am right now! I think most of these ppl just cant keep their mouth shut and tell people they smoke, grow or they are stupid kids parked smokin in their car why dont you people use some common sense and stop bragging about doing illegal shit, smoke somewhere legit fuck i dont care if its in a god damn tree fort in the forest! then you wont be in trouble and i can keep living life the way i love living it. :leaf:

oh and if you wanna make it legal to grow in your back yard stop being lazy put a lil effort into it and hide it in a garden or save up from growing indoors than buy a house with lots of land and shrub oak( the way it grows it has clearings where you can plant great big trees!!!) or some kind of tree/shrub than you can grow all you want in your own backyard. your killing the people who have been supplying you with your smoke for years and years!!!!:wall:

anyone got some opinions on the subject??


lmfao your a fucking clown you posted this lame ass thread you got my opinion I wasn't talking shit but you got pretty offended by it you must really be a half ass weed dealer.I bet you think your fucking hard as shit selling grams around the middle school.What the fuck does you knowing a bunch of 50 year old pot smoking pedophiles have to do with anything?Growing is more mainstream then ever now its not close to underground but I guess by underground you mean that broke ass pc grow you got hidden from your mom.Im not a coke head,none of my "bodies" ever got caught for selling.Does your mom know your up this late?Your really not worth the infractions so I'll stop now dont quote me on this either you dumb piece of shit.And before you start to talk shit learn how to fucking spell it was just common sense words you spelled wrong if your that bad at spelling I can only imagine how bad at math you are.
im a clown look at the fuckin pick you have just begging for attention and you dont know me go ahead and critisize but i dont sell anything less than a pound thats how u stay out of trouble deal with less people and get more money. oh and ya i asked for opinions not dumb ass ppl just sayin legalize it1 which is all you did! i take offense to ignorant ppl like yourself who cant look at the big pic and understand other ppls view what im sayin isnt that i wouldnt love it to be legal but how are those of us whos passion is growing going to compete with the gov its just like when a walmart moves into a small town and puts a local grocer out of buisness. its fucked up i and a lot of others wanna grow weed thats our passion not yours obviously.


Well-Known Member
im a clown look at the fuckin pick you have just begging for attention and you dont know me go ahead and critisize but i dont sell anything less than a pound thats how u stay out of trouble deal with less people and get more money. oh and ya i asked for opinions not dumb ass ppl just sayin legalize it1 which is all you did! i take offense to ignorant ppl like yourself who cant look at the big pic and understand other ppls view what im sayin isnt that i wouldnt love it to be legal but how are those of us whos passion is growing going to compete with the gov its just like when a walmart moves into a small town and puts a local grocer out of buisness. its fucked up i and a lot of others wanna grow weed thats our passion not yours obviously.
ok so selling by the pound would keep me out of trouble, now if i got cought, would that still keep me out of trouble, I mean i got only a pound.
if we were saying legalize it, then that was our opinion, dumb or smart, you asked for that! right?
hmm you cant seem to understand our views are you ignorant?
walmarts things are mass produced and the business that make their products have hoarded all the necessary items to make that product quickly, which common folks do not have a way to have the necessities to do so. but every1 can get seeds, so its not quite like that. regular walmarts dont sell food, unless its packaged dry food, or canned, but no meat, so how could that put a the only local grocer that sell meat out of business, a wal-mart super center might put him out, but i doubt it.
Indeed alot of others do want to grow weed so why do you think they would rather pay for your product than to grow their own.

Oh and do me a favor, and define hypocrite


heres the thing im all for legalizing ganja around the whole world see most people dont see it this way but you make if legal and then a open market is created have competetors and such and no non sence and hassle from cops! lol here in canada every second house ive been to at least has one pot plant in it growing! so i find it rediculus to try to keep it illegal for to much long its too expensive and people dont put up with crap from the government!


Well-Known Member
Right on Dots! No offense to the dealers but It would be nice not to fear losing our house, business and child just because we grow and the Gas and Electric people notice or smell something when they come to check the meters.
quoted u so i didnt have to type...i will grow my own, so im not orried about industrialized weed(pre-rolled j's) pre packaged dimes n dubs. i'd probable be a fan of the edibles though.. cuz i dont like making my own


Well-Known Member
ok so selling by the pound would keep me out of trouble, now if i got cought, would that still keep me out of trouble, I mean i got only a pound.
if we were saying legalize it, then that was our opinion, dumb or smart, you asked for that! right?
hmm you cant seem to understand our views are you ignorant?
walmarts things are mass produced and the business that make their products have hoarded all the necessary items to make that product quickly, which common folks do not have a way to have the necessities to do so. but every1 can get seeds, so its not quite like that. regular walmarts dont sell food, unless its packaged dry food, or canned, but no meat, so how could that put a the only local grocer that sell meat out of business, a wal-mart super center might put him out, but i doubt it.
Indeed alot of others do want to grow weed so why do you think they would rather pay for your product than to grow their own.

Oh and do me a favor, and define hypocrite
every wal-mart ive ever been in... well over 10, all have groceries.. where u live idaho? just sayin


im a clown look at the fuckin pick you have just begging for attention and you dont know me go ahead and critisize but i dont sell anything less than a pound thats how u stay out of trouble deal with less people and get more money. oh and ya i asked for opinions not dumb ass ppl just sayin legalize it1 which is all you did! i take offense to ignorant ppl like yourself who cant look at the big pic and understand other ppls view what im sayin isnt that i wouldnt love it to be legal but how are those of us whos passion is growing going to compete with the gov its just like when a walmart moves into a small town and puts a local grocer out of buisness. its fucked up i and a lot of others wanna grow weed thats our passion not yours obviously.
you know how you stay out of trouble? Dont post on the internet that you sell, whether its less than a pound or not. From this point of view, you're in no position to be calling anyone ignorant.