• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!


Well-Known Member
We do need a revolution. But the question is, what kind of revolution, and what would we change? Then theres what type of government would we change to, if any. Theres soo many different scenarios. We could overthrow the government easy, piece of cake. Just got to have numbers. But yea weed being legal, itl happen eventually. Its as simple as everyone with seeds going around town and planting. Billions of marijuana plants scattered across America, pretty sure that would work. What could they do? If we kept it up, it would most definately work. But yea as the population grows its harder and harder to find people with the same cause to rebel. We need to overthrow!!!


New Member
Awww, aren't you lame. I'm really worried about the jerk off that wants me to pay 50 bucks for a quarter of schwag. I say legalize and let the fucker starve.

You can't compare world hunger with marijuana laws, unless eating somehow becomes against the law. It's apples and oranges.........

Also, lack of paragraphs and punctuation makes you look very uneducated, which plays into the hands of the anti-marijuana people.

Myabe you should STFU and think of the jobs that would be created by legalization. I think you're a crybaby because you're one of those people who makes their living by ripping others off. :fire: :finger: :wall:

Do you guys even understand what would happen with marijuana got legalized? itd fuck the economy more then it already is. and if would destory places that it grow wildly and you guys should stop thinking about urselfs and why not help world hunger? shit marijuana isnt legal but yet u guys still do what you do so making it legal is just for ur behalf to make u feel safer so all u can stfu and whats the point of having medical states if ppl like u just wanna make it straight up legal to smoke ganja whenever? One plus to making it legal would it would go down in price which puts many people out of business. and how do drug dealers deal when the shit is legal? they cant! So think about teh bigger picture instead of yourself


Active Member
NO. I don't want dope legalized. I want it decriminalized. Stop imprisoning non-violent drug offenders. If it is legalized how the fuck are we supposed to make money?? Do you want to hand over growing rights to the government or third party? Do you want to see them make millions of dollars in tax revenue as they already to with tobacco, alcohol and pharms? Get fucked. I enjoy screwing the government with tax free pay....


Well-Known Member
marijuana should be legal because it doesn't hurt anyone. To cite all kinds of economic issues (world hunger included) in reference to legalization of pot seems to miss the point. It's a simple rights issue. The illegality of weed impinges upon my pursuit of happiness.

The economic questions can go either way for the grower imo. If the shit was legal then the growers couldn't charge so much relative to demand. However, there would also be a greater demand for the stuff cuz some people to refuse to smoke cuz it's illegal. Growers also could grow more without stealth concerns.

As for the government, there would be more room in prison for violent offenders and lower court costs without having to prosicute weed smokers/sellers. However, maybe saved court costs/tax benefits are offfset by lost free (slave) labor the gov't gets from weed offenders. i dunno.

Regardless of the above variables (and many more that i can't think of) weed should be legal cuz it's harmless. To arbitraritly have something be illegal to help the economy is facism. Imagine if buying foreign cars was illegal??? It would sure help the economy--but people would go ape shit about their rights to drive what they want to drive--well let me smoke what i want to smoke.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
NO. I don't want dope legalized. I want it decriminalized. Stop imprisoning non-violent drug offenders. If it is legalized how the fuck are we supposed to make money?? Do you want to hand over growing rights to the government or third party? Do you want to see them make millions of dollars in tax revenue as they already to with tobacco, alcohol and pharms? Get fucked. I enjoy screwing the government with tax free pay....
They cannot say to you, "here it's legal, but you can't grow it, only we can." If it was made legal, it would be the same as alcohol. I can go out and make my own brewery or winery if I absolutely wanted to. Even if this approach doesn't work for you, consider how it is now. A plant and the weed we smoke are the same thing in the court of law. This precedent has been set. If it were legalized and someone was brought to trial, any lawyer (even someone as dumb as the person a few posts above me who said to ask for stopping world hunger, rather than legalizing weed) would be able to get you out.

Honestly, you said "stop thinking about yourself." You basically told us you deal when you said it would put people out of business who use it as a way to make money. So please, you stop thinking about yourself.


New Member
People like growin4cash make all of us look bad. To him it's a greed thing, gimme, more, more, more, more, more. Remember back when stoners just wanted other stoners to be stoned..........now it's all about screwing other stoners to make a buck. Shameful..........


Well-Known Member
People like growin4cash make all of us look bad. To him it's a greed thing, gimme, more, more, more, more, more. Remember back when stoners just wanted other stoners to be stoned..........now it's all about screwing other stoners to make a buck. Shameful..........
Its true and sad


Active Member
Before you guys and girls judge me have a think about whats going on here. As far as I'm concerned I'm doing the community a service. Not all people who smoke weed can be bothered or have the opportunity to grow themselves. So there is a large percentage of smokers who like to just buy their weed, thats where I come in.

I'm not screwing fellow smokers as you accused me, I'm providing them with the product they require at a price that the market dictates, not me. I have had nothing but praise for what I do, and in fact I can't keep up with demand. How is this

It's not like I'm making massive amounts of cash, living in a mansion or driving a ferrari.... I'm just a regular person thats still works for living as a tradesman, I do still pay tax and I'm just trying to make life a bit easier for myself and my family.

If you can honestly tell me that you have never sold a gram of weed then props to you. I can assure you that this isn't the case for a lot of people that use this site. I will continue to do what I do regardless of what the naysayers think or say.

This thread was a question of opinion. I voiced my own. You know what they say about opinions though--- they are like assholes, everyones got one and they usually stink.



New Member
Being against legalization means you are still all for keeping it illegal so the cops and government can still take your shit if you get caught. This gives people who "grow 4 cash" the opportunity to inflate the price of their goods due to the fact that it's a risk to produce.

If it were legal and you could grow in your own yard, people would still buy, growing is a lot of work, so you would still get to turn a profit, even more so, imagine if you had your own farm, all growing out under the sun.........

#1Pot Head

Active Member
Look I sell and I weigh it right, I don't rip peeps off selling ain't a bad thing how else are peeps supposed to get it unless they grow it

#1Pot Head

Active Member
the only thing about making it legal is the gov will tax the hell out of it and anyone growing and selling would have to pay taxes on your crop don't get me wrong i'd love to be able to grow it in my beautiful state of KY legally shhhh I grow it anyways the trick is not to get caught, but the gov all about taking away our rights


New Member
If they want to tax personal growers they'll have to classify us as "farmers" therefore making us eligible for farm subsidies. Imagine a big fat check for not growing on a certain amount of land........

Steam locomotive

Active Member
Question of legalisation of marihuana will consider in the United Nations

The commission on United Nations narcotics will consider offers on possible legalisation of marihuana, informs magazine New Scientist. The report on a situation with use of this drug in the world, and also commission recommendations contain in the report prepared by authoritative English fund Bekli.

According to fund data, in the present of time about 3,9 percent of the world population aged is more senior 15 years regularly use marihuana. Thus "consumers" of other narcotic substances in the sum make less than one percent of the world population.


Active Member
Being against legalization means you are still all for keeping it illegal so the cops and government can still take your shit if you get caught. This gives people who "grow 4 cash" the opportunity to inflate the price of their goods due to the fact that it's a risk to produce.
Do you think or read before you type?? I did say I would prefer it to be decriminalized. Look at tobacco, can you legally grow that? No.

MissI'veGotAnOpinionOnEverything go dribble shit elsewhere.:finger:

jesters missus

Well-Known Member
I personally believe that although the legalization of the wonderful Mary-Jane would be utterly awesome. To be be able to smoke freely in my own house lol would be super cool, however, it would cause ALOT of economy/government upset due to the amount of money that can be made from this beautiful and sacred herb.

Another thought I had was that, every man and his dog would start to grow if it was made legal. The way I see it, there would be SO many inexperienced people growing out there that the whole concept of sensimilla
(I apologize if spelled that wrong) would be thrown out the window for outdoor growers because of some Jack who has no idea how to grow Marijuana, therefore creating a chain of possible disasters (ie. Male Plants and their pollen) for all the REAL grower's plants.

That's my 2cents anyway.

Take it easy.



Active Member
I understand what your saying, and groups like NORML are all great organizations that are here for a good cause. If you look at the big picture we live in a country that is going through an economic crisis, People are loosing their homes and jobs at an increasing rate. The government would not bail out people that have worked their whole life making this economy what it was (pre Bush of coarse) There excuse was they would not bail out irresponsible homeowners, but then they will turn around and bail out Merill Lynch, Chrysler, GM etc. Was there bankruptcy responsible? This country has a bigger propaganda machine than the 1940's Germans and I think that the majority of the people are spoon fed this crap and eat it up. For the minority of us people that don't believe every thing that we hear on fox news or any of the other propaganda machines realize that there is something majorly wrong with this government and it goes much deeper than the legalization of weed. While us American robots sit here and do nothing "W" is wiping his ass with the constitution every day yet we sit here do nothing, many American troops are dying not to mention the trillions of $$ spent on W's war for oil (war on terror),and we do nothing. Now we are borrowing billions and billions of $$ from China to keep the wheels of war turning because our country has been sucked dry, and still we do nothing."W" has made our country the laughing stock of the rest of the world, and still we do nothing. WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH? When are we the people gonna wake up, organize and take our country back? I thought the whole idea of leaving England to colonize America was to escape tyranny and to be free. Freedom in the U.S.A. is an illusion and this government will keep stripping our rights until there are none left to take, And you seriously think they are gonna legalize weed. I personally see them stripping our right to bear arms very soon. And I hope I am wrong, I really hope all you potheads can say
"I told you so" cause I want to be wrong, and I hope they legalize weed soon but I just don't see it happening.
Thats very true. This Country has so much wrong with it, and I really think the majority of people are blind to it. We are all growing slaves to the machine that is the United States government. Honestly cops or feds or whatever could bust down your door tomorrow and imprison you indefinitely for some bullshit made up charge and I doubt anyone outside of your immediate family would even notice or care. The fact that so many people just ACCEPT this is mind-boggling and horribly frightening. "well I'm not a terrorist so it won't happen to me" WAKE THE FUCK UP! Power always leads to corruption. Our country is truly in a sad place right now, and from the looks of it, everyone is too caught up in who is getting voted off next in The Biggest Loser or what breed of dog Obama is getting........... I'm planning on getting dual citizenship to Canada for when our government declares bankruptcy in the next 5 years, cause thats when shit will REALLY hit the fan.


Active Member
Do you guys even understand what would happen with marijuana got legalized? itd fuck the economy more then it already is. and if would destory places that it grow wildly and you guys should stop thinking about urselfs and why not help world hunger? shit marijuana isnt legal but yet u guys still do what you do so making it legal is just for ur behalf to make u feel safer so all u can stfu and whats the point of having medical states if ppl like u just wanna make it straight up legal to smoke ganja whenever? One plus to making it legal would it would go down in price which puts many people out of business. and how do drug dealers deal when the shit is legal? they cant! So think about teh bigger picture instead of yourself
Are you on this site for the weed or the easy money? Who cares if drug dealers are put out of business. You currently run the risk of being JAILED(fucked in the ass) for growing and smoking bud. A drug dealers source of income is more important to you than that?

The Virginian

Active Member
sorry but...

i dont want it in stores ever. i just want it to be legal/decriminalized to grow in personal/family ammounts. the government should not have its hands in everything we do.
I agree friend if decriminalized we could relax and enjoy it more and save money to spend on government taxed items like insurance,food,gas and whatever else we consume on a daily bases. Continue to rock the boat that way all that are standing to oppose get thrown the fuck overboard.....


New Member
Did you guys watch the show about Marijuana on CNBC last night? There's a county in CA where 2/3 of the money is from marijuana. If they took the pot out of the equation the county could end up broke. Imagine kicking 2/3 of the income out of town...... :roll:


Well-Known Member
I would like it to be legalized under one condition. We're still allowed to grow it. Honestly, if they legallize it, tax it, and continue keeping it illegal to grow, then no. That would be bullshit because think of these:

Tomatos - They sell them, with tax, and you can grow to eat or grow to sell all you want.

Alcohol - You can make 100 gallons by yourself or 200 gallons with 2+ people annually. And that's without a license to sell.

Tobacco - You can grow it. Hell, I've seen fields and fields of it grown.

So, as long as things work out to where you can grow it, then yes. Of course. I'd be growing it by the greenhouse. Otherwise, no.