Do you recognize know this?[pictures]


Active Member
Hello guys i have a problem:

I started my second grow (first was fiasco)
I am learning so i am trying many things.

My plants look like this today:

Does any one know what it could be?
I added Calcium nitrate in medium, can it be overdosed?
According to this:
it could be magnesium deficiency
Or do you think its something else?

Thank you


Active Member
I'm using cfl lights (got 3x 26W)
temperature is between 75-85 F.

it looked like this just few days ago 5.7.: (same day i watered the plants with NPK-9-5-4)

And that Calcium nitrate was premixed in the soil, so that could be it.
Weird is that my other mj got similar symptoms but she is in different soil.


Active Member
I mixed soil, perlit, Calcium nitrate and coco.
I should buy some premixed soil though as i look back. :/

Dolce Vita

Active Member
i think ur going overboard on ur nutes. feed them water for a week and see if they straighten out maybe


Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering and high on the nutes. When they are that small you don't really need to feed - trust me, I'm a pro at scortching young plants :)


Well-Known Member
Hello guys i have a problem:

I started my second grow (first was fiasco)
I am learning so i am trying many things.

My plants look like this today:

Does any one know what it could be?
I added Calcium nitrate in medium, can it be overdosed?
According to this:
it could be magnesium deficiency
Or do you think its something else?

Thank you

Flush the plant and let it dry and then flush one more time. Then when it is time to feed her only use about 1/4 strenght of the nutes. This could be a couple of weeks if your soil is loaded with NPK. I use foxfarm soil and I need to wait about 30days before the nutes start.I had some of the same problems with some of my plants. Thanks to people on here my plants are looking better.It was nute burn and ph problems. Do you know what the ph of water is and the ph of the soil? I would check that first. If the ph is off you can have all kinds of deficiency in your plant because it can't take up the nutes you are giving them because of lock-out.. I have seen my plants look better and better after getting the ph in check. Let us know how it works out..


Well-Known Member
I think huntforpot nailed it.. KNow your soil and check your pH is in check..
What soil are u using?


Well-Known Member
I did? Thats right-uh.. I did :) Sounds like something I might say lol. Hey huntforpot hope your stuff is working out for ya.. Ill keep u posted with any interesting updates, or how about my next crop.. Did u get the pics I sent?


Active Member
Yea, I concur. Your soil is packed full of goodies for your little lady. Use RO water with a LITTLE cal-mag and your set. Or if you dont have hard tap water, let some sit over night and water with that. OR, rainwater...