Well-Known Member
I Have done a lot of reading before asking dumb questions but I have been unable to find any clear answers on how to use the multiple Nutes available to get the most you can get out of your girls. For instance, I am 5 weeks into flowering a bagseed and imaging I have maybe another 5-7 weeks to go depending on strain. I have always just tossed seeds into pots randomly over the years but finally got one to show her flowers which sparked my interest enough to start learing more and I have definately found a lifelong hobby I am sure. I have been smoking for over 30 years and cannot believe I have just now gotten interested enough to start my own grow after harvesting the two bagseeds I happened to flower on a humble. My camera sucks and I am waiting to buy a decent one to start properly documenting my grow. Anyway back to original question, i have started feeding my girls Big Up powder from Humboldt which has a NPK of 0-39-25 and they seem to love it. My question is that I have also purchased some Happy Frog Fruit and flower which has a 5-8-4 , AM i able to use both of these and just add them together meaning i would be feeding a 5-47-29? and if this is the case is it ok to keep adding until I reach a certain PPM? I apologize for long post just to get to simple question