Do YOU skateboard?


Active Member
:) sooo, do you? and how old are you? just curious really

i do, nothing near pro but ive got some nice and very consistant tricks and great balance after 7 years of on off skating. i do it at least one a week at 25 with a child on the way :D no where what i used to but man is it still fun

i hit a nearby outdoor free cement bowl frequently carving it is amazing when youre practically sideways!

so who else does?
for how long?


Active Member
I skated for years. I'm too old and out of shape now. I don't like broken collar bones much either. I don't heal like I did when i was 19.


Active Member
You don't really skateboard you are just pretending
maybe i am , maybe im not, but if i was, would the question and responses that were an enjoyable conversation really be worth checking for validity? :blsmoke:

or maybe Bill said it............ that crazy mother effer :eyesmoke:

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
i skated for alil bit... i fell short a few steps from landing a ollie..... off a stairway that was to short to get speed... n fucked m ankle up bad.. almost broke it... but shit it swole up like a baseball.... it aint been the same... idiot.. lol


Well-Known Member
I did once, back in my youth. Then I started smoking weed, and got too lazy to the extent where I wasn't daring enough, lol. I was content with my bike.
Props to you guys though, watching skaters while high is real trippy. Doing mad flips n shit, always put on a nice show for me.


Well-Known Member
I used to skate. I've been trying to get back in shape so I can pick it up again. I pulled off a heelflip yesterday. Took me like 4 tries though.


Active Member
I used to skate. I've been trying to get back in shape so I can pick it up again. I pulled off a heelflip yesterday. Took me like 4 tries though.
nice dude, thats what im talking about :)

ive got some decent heelflips, but not on lock

anyone got Skate 2 for PS3? god i cant wait for 3!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Cool dude..Im 18, i have been skating for 4 years...i try to skate as often as i can but there are no good conditions to skate street in this time of the year..i do some kickflips, heelflips, fs/bs shovits, some rail shit and thats pretty much all....

I also snow-skate in winter..but i dont have a real snow-skate, just a regular deck...You should see my back yard in the winter..i always construct a backyard park, and this shit is gnarly as hell...



Active Member
i skate a little, terribly i might add, i can ride and ollie thats about it, i prefer bmx but i havnt really got out to ride much this summer


Well-Known Member
the only skating i do now is through my kids lol. hurts a lot less too. still love the sport though.


Well-Known Member
I used to skate everyday when I was younger now I just let my dog pull me lol I'm not as willing to jump down stairs shit hurts lol. I really want a longboard.


Well-Known Member
Here's a vid of some of my better stuff, LOL ;-):lol:


Nah but rodney mullen is sick


Well-Known Member
nice dude, thats what im talking about :)

ive got some decent heelflips, but not on lock

anyone got Skate 2 for PS3? god i cant wait for 3!
As soon as I pulled it off I tried to do a tre' flip 360 pivot in the livin rooom but I cracked my head on the coffee table.


Well-Known Member
I was sponsered by utility boardshop for like 5 yrs 15-20 shattered my ankle doing a bs overcrook and pretty much chilled after that. It took me 6mths to walk again. Now I just fuck off on a mini ramp 4ft with a 6 ft extension


Active Member
I was sponsered by utility boardshop for like 5 yrs 15-20 shattered my ankle doing a bs overcrook and pretty much chilled after that. It took me 6mths to walk again. Now I just fuck off on a mini ramp 4ft with a 6 ft extension
nice nice man i finally got out again today thanks to the awesome heat wave we had today Cement Bowl again (my fav spot) trying to learn smiths in a bowl,im gettin there

and as for famous skater man Chris Haslam is the freekin man , man! :mrgreen:

*off to bongsmilie *