Do You Smoke Dry $ 0.75 Cents Swishers?

Also you can taste your weed a ton better threw a paper.... to each his own not trying to preach here... Just giving an OPINION.

180 blunts in one week shit even I would hate blunts

You over did it lol
Papers I don't like papers at all I rather smoke from my bowl than burn papers
Feels like I'm smoking off a birds little dick lmao
How the hell can u compare all those blunts you smoked to this thread not to mention the bunk ass stress you smoked my throat would hurt to. If you enjoy a blunt here and there then your throat should be fine. There is no question that you taste the bud the least thru a blunt but there are other benefits with the blunt.
This is my technique.The best way is to turn your hot water on in the sink, let it get real hot tell you see steam,put the blunt in the steam and roll it.Roll it in the steam tell you feel it as soft as you want it.Sometime I turn the shower on because it has more steam.This will make your blunt fresh and good as new.
my technique, similar to someone else's technique i don't feel like going back a few pages to find out who. if it's too dry to split, breathe your hot steamy breath through it, preferably while smoking some herb so you can exhale that through it as well.. depending on whether or not you're using a razor blade, you can remove the rear end of the 'rillo, because it's starched and leaving it there for the final product results in wasted resin or really harsh roaches, in the long run. so, if you're using a razor blade, you can slice it around to make a clean cut, i've snapped them off plenty of times, lighting that end first or tucking the rough edges in to serve as a filter of sorts. that, of course, takes place after splitting it, so.. split it. razor blade, fingernails, doesn't matter. then dump it of course. now, you breathe on it until it's humidified. licking your rough edges and sealing them together with your lips probably speeds that part up.
so, condensed: breathe through it, if necessary. cut the cigarillo like a lumberjack. ===========\== split it down the middle, breathe on it. re-roll. i always remove the back ends because they taste like ass. some of them are flavored though, like cotton candy..
I've had good experiences with green Optimos, bad ones too, with severely dried, cracked ones. breathe to rehumidify though, and lick and stick broken pieces back together, using random strips as band-aids if necessary, and if it's just FUBAR, make it a bloint. I used to smoke peach optimo all the time, then i discovered longer burning Peach White Owls. differen't flavor though, they were still good, chose burntime over flavor probably. the best flavor of all is the wet mango, which is never dry unless you open the pack and leave it in the sun or something. Royal Blunts 3.jpg
Any connoisseur of cannabis will use glass and glass alone. I like Dagga pipes and Roor pipes myself.

The double layer Dagga pipes are two layers of lab-grade boro-silicate, worked together and annealed to produce an incredibly strong glass pipe. Fumed with silver for stunning changes to lustrous mother of pearl blues and purples. I purchased my Dagga pipe online at Send Amanda an email and she will take very good care of you.

You can look at more of the Dagga line using the following link but it is the manufacturer and they do not sell direct, or at least did not when I purchased mine .. but maybe that has changed.

Roor pipes are easier to find.
All Roor pipes are blown to perfection from the finest Borosilicate glass ranging from 2mm to 7mm thick depending on if it is a small steamroller to a very large bong.

Purchase one or the other, or better yet both, and find out how good toking can be rather then ruining good weed wrapping it in crap.
I personally prefer the glass route after picking up my piece.

For the wrap though: just lick it, get it wet, but not dripping wet, and blow hot air on it from your breath. That's how we do it. Makes them nice and soft for a clean roll.

It wastes a lot though. I only do them when I kick it with friends somewhere and it's not feasible to bring my piece. I personally don't have my small pieces any longer so mobility is no longer a possibility without great risk. A wrap rectifies this issue at only a buck.
I personally prefer the glass route after picking up my piece.

For the wrap though: just lick it, get it wet, but not dripping wet, and blow hot air on it from your breath. That's how we do it. Makes them nice and soft for a clean roll.

It wastes a lot though. I only do them when I kick it with friends somewhere and it's not feasible to bring my piece. I personally don't have my small pieces any longer so mobility is no longer a possibility without great risk. A wrap rectifies this issue at only a buck.

And a zig zag does the same for $.07
A rapper that usto be bad ass but not any more since. Ever since he went mainstream he sounds like garbage.
Hey now, Black & Yellow's a good joint. Other than that, I agree.
People will learn how bad blunts really are sooner or later.... My buddy brought a Pound from Tx and we got it cheap so we just smoked nothing but blunts... We we're buying boxes of blunts thats how many we smoked... We atleast bought 3 full boxes of swishes 50ct, and a shit ton of singles before we realized it's cheaper to buy a box... All in all we smoked maybe 180 blunts in a week before 4 people... We all felt like we we're getting fucking sick, could barley breathe right, etc... I could taste the fucking blunts even when I wasn't smoking....

I've never had that happen with papers... Obviously I know thats a shit ton of blunts and common sense thats not healthy, but what do you think you smoke over a lifetime?

Blunts are disgusto..

Blunts are tobacco leaves essentially, so you smoke that many blunts you are essentially smoking pure unfiltered tobacco, as if you were smoking actual cigars at a slow rate. Of course you're going to feel like you're smoking tob if you smoke that many blunts, cuz you ARE.
And a zig zag does the same for $.07

Yeah, but I don't like the way zig zags burn nor roll. I started out with them but only use them in a time when I don't have enough for a swisher in those every-now-and-then times when I actually do use those.
zig zags are thick as goddamn notebook paper elements and clubs are where its at.

less fuel = slower burning.

also glue is a stupid idea paper fiber stick fine without it and no one wants to smoke glue.
zig zags are thick as goddamn notebook paper elements and clubs are where its at.

less fuel = slower burning.

also glue is a stupid idea paper fiber stick fine without it and no one wants to smoke glue.

I've actually switched to Raw papers, and I don't think I'll be going back.
Raws are great, I agree. Rizzla extra-thins are the best, for me. I think that's what they're called.... Haven't smoked a joint in a long time >.<
yeah i like raws a lot too...they make organic papers too don't they?

Yes they do, the Raw organic unbleached hemp papers, they are amazing.

I've actually switched to Raw papers, and I don't think I'll be going back.

Me either!

Hemp leaves would be good to roll a mj blunt
If they had any

Better yet ORGANIC grown hemp leaves

That would be the only blunt I'd smoke nowadays. I currently use only the Raw organic unbleached hemp papers, they are the smoothest and least irritating, but usually I just use the Eclipse Vape2O (oil/hash) or the regular stem (herb) in my small bong.
man swishers trigga really? at least take it up a step and get yourself some garcia y vega's! If you wanna take it a little further use JUST the candela wrap (the somehat moist, somewhat dry tobacco leaf on the outside), it's SO much smoother than smoking it with the tobacco paper on the inside, PLUS you get more of the flavor from the bud and a smoother overall smoking experience without any harshness.

don't play it whack, stay black.
I like my blunts for one reason.
They don't burn as fast as zigzags do that shit will go around 3 rounds and be gone while blunts last wayyy longer we have made a blunt last forbig ass circles and was able to go around lol.

Just preference
I also notice once wiz khalifa started talking down on blunts
Now all of the suddent everybody rolls zigs lmao just saying


hahahaha i agree fully. i hate people ridin papers nuts now that wiz on that shit. i roll regular flavored swishers and grape n whitegrape whiteowls !