Do you spray down your plants with water before harvesting?

If you're serious about growing medical-quality marijuana, you want a dust-free, bug-free environment. I use a grow tent that I periodically scrub down. You can do the same in a grow room. Keep it clean. Filter the air in, don't leave the door open, etc.

If you grow outside, you're going to have a whole lot of shit on your plants. If you're out in the country, it's a little better. But if you're closer to an urban environment you're going to have soot particles and carcinogens sticking to your plants. No real way to get that off. If you try to wash your plants, you're going to knock off trichomes and leave your bud susceptible to rot.

I would never spray anything on my plants. I create an environment for a clean, pest-free grow. But then again I smoke my own grow and I grow in order to give myself a purer, high-quality product.

But in your case, smoke what you got. A little dust and pet hair is safer then accidentally smoking mold, IMHO.
Most of you guys are absurd after viewing this old thread.

1.) HIGH Humidity indoors shouldnt be a thing. If you have HID lights or indoor ac ect.. your humidity should be a struggle to keep up without a humidifier.
2.) How do you expect bud to survive in the wild or outdoor grows to ever function?... Do you nature bro?
3) Regardless of watering by spray pump, hydrophonic misters, drip ect.. Fertilizer is getting on your bud. Hell forget evaporation lets talk atomization... If youve ever watered your plants and felt cool air on your legs, hand ect.. or feel ANY moisture off your pump/misters. Then you have straight fertilizer water on your bud. You only dont care cause the resins overpowers the taste of your poop-juice.
4) Medical grade or ANYONE wanting to sell proper smoke.. Will spray off their plants using fresh out the tap or filtered by something like a brita and set out to defloranate/ph correct what it can.. Not something with Xx sulphate ph correction chemicals.
DO NOT SPRAY NEEM on blooming plants, i dont use it at all, EVER. Neemoil impregnates plant tissue by nature and grows with it and neemoil although being a natural antiseptic will cause health issues in some people or accumulate in the body.
DO NOT USE GOGNATS.... gognats uses cedar extracts that can cause seizures, confusion and various other issues with a highier amount of people then many realize. very rough on the grower.
If you got a bug issue.. use small amounts of Mosquito dunks during lightier feeding or in your reg waterings and amp up your airflow. Or if youre using a soil-less medium like coco.. line the top with leca pellets and adjust your watering habits as itll greatly alter how fast your soil transpires water at the upper portion.
So if youre getting budrot then youre doing something wrong.
Spraying plants with water.. is NOT doing something wrong.. its nature and the only way to clean the outside of your bud prior to harvest.
I sure as hell do not want to smoke someones diatomaceous earth, fertilizer off-spray or their stupid uncovered sneezes.
The only reason someone has to not have CLEAN product.. personal or commercial is LAZINESS or Idiocy. If thats you, choose one..
If you dont care.. Youre #2... if you never payed attention to it then youre #1..
Just saying.. Creating a dust free pest free enviroment is a pipedream doomed from the start.
Name of the game is to replicate growing conditions.. That means microbes, bacteria, small insects in your soil showing good organic ecosystem.. Salt buildups, residues, evaporative which is even calculated in large operations..
Beit Rockwool, LecaPellets.. ect whos dust is WORSE then soil and more dangerous to the grower.. How many grow ops have you seen with algea growing on their slabs which is unavoidable due to most of the fertilizers, boosters, additives ect..
You know what it is why ppl say you dont need to spray off occasionally or during flush prior to harvest..... Its lying.
Pure and simple Lying as everything said.. its impossible in the nature growing it even in a lab setting. To combat it to point of it being true would mean horrible plants. Even nasa understands this with their space crops nor do they claim for it to be otherwise as they have protocals for insturment damage and air quality...
Ill get the occasional gnat fly in but they never survive. Worse time is when introducing a new bag of soil into the outter room and even then.. They dont survive. All air is supplemented in by a makeshift intakebox with residential filters and 6in centrifrugal inline attached and dialed to low so they can be replace occasionally.
That low setting 6in centrifugal fan is enough air and flow to power a 4x4 into a 2x4 with two centrifrugal vivosun plastic 4inchers (set to low also by dial) feeding and expelling the 2x4in tent from the 4x4.... No other fans are even needed as the intake i just clipp a piece of paper to that flails around distributing the air around the tent..
So for someone to have Humidity or ROT issues.... is un-phathomable to me as your residential ac should be pretty spot on with regulating humidity to be under 60% If not then theres other issues that are the problem.

^that said.. The problem is not spraying it if youre allowing them to dry prior to harvest which should only take a few hours maybe a lil longer if youre worried of dense structure... Ideal is NOT to drench.. but o get some drip-off the leaves so residues and dust have a chance at least of coming off.. Something is better then nothing.
If youre worried about knocking off crystals... Consider, Clean bud. being part of the steps to the overall product.. This isnt some AMD vs Nvidia overclock competition where the idea is to reach X goal for a moment using liquid nitrogen... Its the final product.
So if youre worried about a lil bit a crystals getting knocked during a (light) spray during flush/prior to harvest VS a proper clean product.. Youre in the WRONG industry supplying consumers with something they should trust and the mentality is a LIABILITY to anyone be partnered with that has a proper mindset.