Do You Spray Neem Oil Inside the Tent or Pull the Plants Out?


Well-Known Member
Do you guys pull your plants out of the tent to spray neem, or just spray them inside???

Mites can show up occasionally in my outdoor grow, but wasps, lady bugs, and a good spray with clean water tend to keep them away. My first tent grow. I know I need preventative measures in my tent and neem oil during veg seems to be the go-to solution.

I'm in 7 gal fabric pots now, 25 days since they popped, and they're not easy to lift out. I just sprayed them and the F*@king neem oil is everywhere. The whole tent stinks like neem.
i know when i use neemoil everything around it becomes sticky as would be a pain in the ass to clean later.and if you have a chance to pull the plants out then you can spray better around it instead of a small tent.-
i know when i use neemoil everything around it becomes sticky as would be a pain in the ass to clean later.and if you have a chance to pull the plants out then you can spray better around it instead of a small tent.-

I'm thinking of going to PureCrop1. The appears to be a lot cleaner, and smells like olive oil.