Do you support gay marriage

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
I disagree. When you make people jump through hoops to obtain that which the vast majority get automatically, you are creating an unequal situation under the law, and that has everything to do with rights, since equal protection under the law is a right afforded to every citizen of this great country. It's the equivalent of making some take a literacy test or pay a poll tax before letting them vote in my mind. I oppose De Jure discrimination in all forms.


Well-Known Member
I think we are just arguing semantics. Put me in the camp that doesn't believe government grants "rights", only favors and social engineering. Giving the ruled class some tax breaks and other bennies is for the sake of behavior modification so we can build society in the image we want. It's most definitely discrimination though.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the idea of "separate but equal" was used to justify racial segregation and was overturned as unconstitutional. how do we justify applying the same principle to gay marriage without also supporting racial segregation, which was defended with the same exact argument?

either everyone is entitled to get married or no one is. you can't invent a gray category and write it into law to justify the agenda du jour.


Active Member
I think it's pathetic that it's not allowed everywhere. People believe it's blaspheme to be gay, well.....who gives a fuck if it is or not? It's not just a religious commitment. A murderer can get married, last time I checked that goes against one of the ten commandments.

Outside of religious reasons, it's just pure hate, which is pretty pussy. Only a coward can hate someone who doesn't affect their life.


New Member
I am for getting the govt. out of it, but the reality is that they are in it. Under the current reality, there should be equal protection under the law.
I agree with getting government out of the marriage business and also agree with your stance on equal protection under the law, would you afford the same protection for those who are taxed at a higher rate than others?


Well-Known Member
I agree with getting government out of the marriage business and also agree with your stance on equal protection under the law, would you afford the same protection for those who are taxed at a higher rate than others?
tax rate is a matter of policy. equal protection of the law is a matter of rights.

learn the difference between policy and rights.


Well-Known Member
you can say i "support it" because it should be a natural right, of course. This world is full of retarded people who are so worried about what everyone else is doing. If everyone focused on themselves we would all be better people and the world wouldn't be in turmoil....... But that's america for you. A bunch of idiots worrying if a man is taking a dick in the ass or throat. Such a serious issue, oh no better stop those wild gays!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
tax rate is a matter of policy. equal protection of the law is a matter of rights.

learn the difference between policy and rights.
What if the tax rate were 100% ? 80% ? When does enforcement of "policy" equal denial of rights or theft ? Learn the difference between voluntary and involuntary.

As far as gay marriage, peaceful people should be able to interact anyway they see fit. Why seek blessing and sanction from the same institution that persecutes people ? (government)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why does a heterosexual give a fuck if a homosexual gets married??

Because they like to run other people's lives. Read thru here, even on a pot forum, at the root of many persons posts is the same idea that it's okay to run other persons lives.
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