Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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Well-Known Member
it's over.

the mayor of Oakland said "we hear your voice. now you need to take your message further."


everyone left.

she asked 4 times to meet with people from occupy Oakland to ask what she could do to help.


it's over. until someone decides what they want. and i don't think a tent city at city hall is a long term answer.
There are demands on the websites.

If they really wanted to help, they would do what is already listed under "Demands". Or even "Needs".

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
We;ve got them sparking up around the UK, it's quite amusing listening to the politicians coming up with reasons that the camp can't be where it is :D There is near here where the council are saying that the camp can't be where it is because it's an air ambulance landing site and if the one off huge accident that happened a few weeks ago had happened somewhere else it could have caused an issue. I'll skip past all of the waht if's and just look at the fact that the land is privately owned, not by the council, that is a helicopter landingt site only should the land owner agree that it is and right now the landowner is happy to have the campers there :D :D i wonder how far they'll try and push with it before just sending in police to create tension.


Well-Known Member
i'm sure they all just went and took showers. probably got a few rooms at some dive across town and they are all taking turns in the bathroom.
The one's in jail, are talking to people that will be out soon. Making the numbers bigger.

Maybe even cliquing up with each other, or drug dealers and stuff.

The ones NOT in jail, are either at home thinking, "Fuckin cops" Or "I'll never do that again" (You are right, some people have left)

The one's that said "Fuckin cops" and left angry, are now thinking of what to do next.

They are staying together, working together, thinking together, planning together...
And if they run out of money...

WHAT THE HELL makes you think they won't just move on to the next state park?????

Maybe they are in a hotel tonight, but in a couple days, MORE shanty towns will pop up, in MORE places. Since different people, will have different ideas, and will be following different paths.

But all the ones calling themselves "Occupy", ALL COMMUNICATE INTERNATIONALLY.


Well-Known Member
didn't you JUST say the mayor offered help?
yeah, she said "where do we go from here?" she has allowed them to remain there peacefully for weeks now. nothing has happened. things have grown "stagnant", to use one of their terms. does she not have a little bit of a point? where do we go from here? the whole world IS watching, so DO SOMETHING.

or just sit in a fucking tent all day pounding drums and whining.

why aren't they occupying the "RICH" neighborhoods?


Well-Known Member
The one's in jail, are talking to people that will be out soon. Making the numbers bigger.

Maybe even cliquing up with each other, or drug dealers and stuff.

The ones NOT in jail, are either at home thinking, "Fuckin cops" Or "I'll never do that again" (You are right, some people have left)

The one's that said "Fuckin cops" and left angry, are now thinking of what to do next.

They are staying together, working together, thinking together, planning together...
And if they run out of money...

WHAT THE HELL makes you think they won't just move on to the next state park?????

Maybe they are in a hotel tonight, but in a couple days, MORE shanty towns will pop up, in MORE places. Since different people, will have different ideas, and will be following different paths.

But all the ones calling themselves "Occupy", ALL COMMUNICATE INTERNATIONALLY.

how come you answer all my "real time facts" with what you "think" is going to happen in the "future".

at least i can accept this moments reality.

if they rejoin and riot this evening then i will post how they have rejoined and rioted. i'm not making any false claims here, or even stating my personal opinions. i am simply reporting "FACTS".

i did make up the part about renting rooms and taking showers. though i don't think it's too far off from the truth. ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah, she said "where do we go from here?" she has allowed them to remain there peacefully for weeks now. nothing has happened. things have grown "stagnant", to use one of their terms. does she not have a little bit of a point? where do we go from here? the whole world IS watching, so DO SOMETHING.

or just sit in a fucking tent all day pounding drums and whining.

why aren't they occupying the "RICH" neighborhoods?
Occupy RICH neighborhoods?
Because Rich people are occupying their houses, and not getting involved.
Even though many "Upper middle class" will be at the bottom of the economy food chain with the rest of us by the end of it.


Well-Known Member
how come you answer all my "real time facts" with what you "think" is going to happen in the "future".

at least i can accept this moments reality.

if they rejoin and riot this evening then i will post how they have rejoined and rioted. i'm not making any false claims here, or even stating my personal opinions. i am simply reporting "FACTS".

i did make up the part about renting rooms and taking showers. though i don't think it's too far off from the truth. ;)

You said it's OVER.

I'm not saying "What I think will happen"

I'm TELLING YOU "FACTS" about what's happening in other cities.

The riot police already came and shut down the Denver Occupy.

And I ALREADY SAW what came of that.

And I just told you what came of it.


Well-Known Member

You said it's OVER.

I'm not saying "What I think will happen"

I'm TELLING YOU "FACTS" about what's happening in other cities.

The riot police already came and shut down the Denver Occupy.

And I ALREADY SAW what came of that.

And I just told you what came of it.

today, in OAKLAND, there is NO occupy camp.

it's gone. as OF RIGHT NOW, it's over.



Well-Known Member
today, in OAKLAND, there is NO occupy camp.

it's gone. as OF RIGHT NOW, it's over.

"For the time being, it has been removed from visible site of so called public servants" is what you mean I think :)