Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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So the protest's themselves are not making the message clear? Is that what you're saying?

No, I'm saying there is a lot more to the situation than simply seeing people rally together.

Seeing it doesn't make you informed, being informed makes you informed. Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else because of a broken system. It's not about being lazy or wanting handouts, it's about demanding equal opportunities and fair representation based on Americans interests, not corporations.
don't bother, pad.

he likes to defend everything that goes on at the CME (which is what he walks past) as honest, moral, and ethical.

nevermind that the traders there have a long and ongoing history of all sorts of shady dealings, swindling, lying, and other corrupt practices.

i have told him that my family and i all do business honestly, but that i take solace in knowing that if i were to start ripping off clients and pulling shady maneuvers that he would be there to defend me.
No, I'm saying there is a lot more to the situation than simply seeing people rally together.

Seeing it doesn't make you informed, being informed makes you informed. Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else because of a broken system. It's not about being lazy or wanting handouts, it's about demanding equal opportunities and fair representation based on Americans interests, not corporations.
How are things not equal? How did these guys who are the CEO's of these companies come up? Did they just magically appear in these positions? Or did they bust their ass to get there? How did Herman Cain (despite all these accusations) come up from living in a project and is now the front runner in a presidential election. EVERYONE has the same god damn opportunity, It all depends on how YOU play your cards. I'm sick of hearing "its not fair, its not fair" like a bunch of whiny 5 year old kids who can't buy the snickers bar a the grocery store. Quit fucking bitching and go try and find a fucking job instead of asking the government to hand them out to you. Go move to North Dakota if you want, Mcdonalds is paying 15 bucks an hour to flip burgers. Or go learn a trade and join a union and make 20 bucks an hour. Jesus Christ there ARE jobs out there. The 3 people I know that currently protest here in Chicago were the kids in High School who skipped 1st period and came in 20min late to 2nd period because they were sleeping in, atleast 3 times a week.
don't bother, pad.

he likes to defend everything that goes on at the CME (which is what he walks past) as honest, moral, and ethical.

nevermind that the traders there have a long and ongoing history of all sorts of shady dealings, swindling, lying, and other corrupt practices.

i have told him that my family and i all do business honestly, but that i take solace in knowing that if i were to start ripping off clients and pulling shady maneuvers that he would be there to defend me.
You said all you did for work was grow and sell you have NO credibility what so ever lmao

Also, could you tell me how many traders go rouge vs traders that don't break the rules? It's easy to generalize. Hey everyone at the protests are anti semitic . Man, that was easy.
You said all you did for work was grow and sell you have NO credibility what so ever lmao

Also, could you tell me how many traders go rouge vs traders that don't break the rules? It's easy to generalize. Hey everyone at the protests are anti semitic . Man, that was easy.

Quite often, the "rules" are the problem imo.
EVERYONE has the same god damn opportunity, It all depends on how YOU play your cards.

So a person born into a household with a single mother and 2 or 3 other siblings has the same opportunities that a kid born into a steady household with 2 working loving parents has? Orphans? Parents in prison? Parents with drug addictions? Abuse, neglect? Psychological or emotional disorders?

Do me a favor and wiki the cycle of poverty.

People are not born with equal opportunities. That is a part of what our government does, try to correct against these inequalities. Today, money influences that system and puts The game in favor of those already with the most.

If monetary value was based on how hard working a person actually was, many more people would be rich, the fact is, it's not.
You said all you did for work was grow and sell you have NO credibility what so ever lmao

how is that not honest work?

Also, could you tell me how many traders go rouge vs traders that don't break the rules? It's easy to generalize. Hey everyone at the protests are anti semitic . Man, that was easy.


i could make post after post after post of all the scams they have pulled, but i like watching you defend them better.

especially since you don't know how to spell words and shit.
how is that not honest work?

i could make post after post after post of all the scams they have pulled, but i like watching you defend them better.

especially since you don't know how to spell words and shit.
You don't pay taxes, you provide NOTHING to this economy. You think you are doing something productive with your life? You think growing a few plants in your garage is hard and honest work? Again, you prove yourself incredible time and time again in your posts.

There are atleast 5000 traders at the CME and maybe 1 or 2 a year (if that) get convicted of doing something wrong.
Lol instead of refuting with substance and points you come back and point out I misspelled 1 word.. typical of you. Should I point out the words you don't capitalize? Should I point out were you personally attack someone, yet when someone personally attacks you, you threaten to delete their posts? Man, you are a piece of work.
So a person born into a household with a single mother and 2 or 3 other siblings has the same opportunities that a kid born into a steady household with 2 working loving parents has? Orphans? Parents in prison? Parents with drug addictions? Abuse, neglect? Psychological or emotional disorders?

Do me a favor and wiki the cycle of poverty.

People are not born with equal opportunities. That is a part of what our government does, try to correct against these inequalities. Today, money influences that system and puts The game in favor of those already with the most.

If monetary value was based on how hard working a person actually was, many more people would be rich, the fact is, it's not.
Yes, certain people have hurtles to jump over that some others don't. That doesn't mean they can't achieve the same thing in life. There isn't some brick wall preventing them from getting it done. Again, its how YOU play your cards. And the people that don't play their cards right bitch and complain instead of trying again. They are quitters. Quitters never win.
You don't pay taxes...

i've paid plenty of taxes this year. paid into SS, paid into medicare/medicaid, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, property taxes (indirectly) and many more.

so take that claim and shove it up your ass. provide NOTHING to this economy.

so all the goods and services i purchase do nothing for the economy?

you are not too bright, are you?

You think you are doing something productive with your life?

i know i am doing something productive, as by definition, i PRODUCE stuff. i even employ people several times a year and pay them better than what they get paid at their normal jobs. $20 an hour to help trim, $80 a day to house sit even though it only takes an hour or two to tae care of the daily chores.

how is producing something NOT productive in your warped little mind?

YAgain, you prove yourself incredible time and time again in your posts.

and you prove to be a know-nothing blowhard.

YThere are atleast 5000 traders at the CME and maybe 1 or 2 a year (if that) get convicted of doing something wrong.

and how many people does it effect when just one person does something completely outside the bounds of human decency, driven by greed and avarice?

just one person put many, many onion farmers out of business years back. just one person swindled dozens out of millions of dollars more recently.

tell me, how many people have i hurt by conducting mutually beneficial transactions between consenting adults? you seem to know more about me than i do, so go ahead and take a crack at answering that one, genius.

Lol instead of refuting with substance and points you come back and point out I misspelled 1 word.. typical of you. Should I point out the words you don't capitalize? Should I point out were you personally attack someone, yet when someone personally attacks you, you threaten to delete their posts? Man, you are a piece of work.

perhaps you should work on grounding yourself in reality, as it is apparent to me that you are nowhere near it right now.
No, I'm saying there is a lot more to the situation than simply seeing people rally together.

Seeing it doesn't make you informed, being informed makes you informed. Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else because of a broken system. It's not about being lazy or wanting handouts, it's about demanding equal opportunities and fair representation based on Americans interests, not corporations.

They are getting rich not becuase of a broken system
They are getting rich because they have Shaped the System

And it will only get worse. Half the people in this country vote against their own self interests. Think about that everytime you hear a Republican use the Words "job Creators" Or "job Killing"
How are things not equal? How did these guys who are the CEO's of these companies come up? Did they just magically appear in these positions?

Tell me how the Koch brothers got to where they are by working harder than everyone else. I guess being born into billions of dollars is hard work eh?

EVERYONE has the same god damn opportunity, It all depends on how YOU play your cards.

Then how do you explain the decrease in economic mobility over the last 30 years? How about the increase in income of nearly 300% for the top 1% while everyone else's wages stayed stagnate. When Reagan got elected president did 99% of Americans suddenly become dumb and lazy. Did the 1% all of a sudden get smarter and start working harder? Or did the system get rigged so the rich stays rich?

The statistics don't lie.
I guess I have no credibility what so ever either then.

we are just leeches, bums, nuisances.

how dare we produce the high quality meds for everyone else at a reasonable price and conduct business fairly and honestly. we are such bastards.
we are just leeches, bums, nuisances.

how dare we produce the high quality meds for everyone else at a reasonable price and conduct business fairly and honestly. we are such bastards.

Yeah. We should do some real work, like buying up a company, firing everyone, and extracting billions of dollars from the company at the expense of working Americans. You know, be a job creator.
Yeah. We should do some real work, like buying up a company, firing everyone, and extracting billions of dollars from the company at the expense of working Americans. You know, be a job creator.

or we could buy up nearly all the market of a certain commodity, convince the people who produce the commodity to purchase them back by threatening to flood the market with said commodity, buy short positions on said commodity, and make tons of money on our short positions before then flooding the market and putting the producers of said commodity out of business.

just like they did at the chicago mercantile exchange before they were prohibited from doing so by an act of congress.
or we could buy up nearly all the market of a certain commodity, convince the people who produce the commodity to purchase them back by threatening to flood the market with said commodity, buy short positions on said commodity, and make tons of money on our short positions before then flooding the market and putting the producers of said commodity out of business.

just like they did at the chicago mercantile exchange before they were prohibited from doing so by an act of congress.

Sounds like the job creators are working hard there.