Do You Take a LOT of Hot Showers? Frequent nausea, vomitting? Pain?

Maybe just a coincidence but I suffer much of the same symptoms apart from baths instead of showers to ease the pain and discomfort. My symptoms were diagnosed as pancreatitis but I have a history of alcohol abuse, very historic though because I haven't drank alcohol for over a decade. Sorry if this is completely left field and not applicable and nothing more than a coincidence just very similar symptoms.
I'm curious if both high thc and high cbd varieties do this? Perhaps he should make a switch to a different variety? Best of luck with this.
I am currently going through this as we speak. It's been ongoing for about 6 months now. & I am a regular marijuana smoker, I smoke anywhere from 2 grams a day to 7 grams or more a day. Before this started, I used marijuana to relieve bad headaches & sometimes a lack of appetite. The symptoms come & go but I usually can't keep anything down, no food or water, I usually throw up all the bile In my stomach until I'm eventually throwing up nothing. I've been to the ER about 3 times for this where they've kept me for about a week every time, & every test came back as normal (as if nothing is wrong with me) I've been very curious as to how to treat i, without cutting the cannibis out completely, because I do use it for other medical reasons.
My grandson's dad has this issue now. Same symptoms. He thought it could be due to mixing alcohol with weed but he quit drinking and still has the same issues. I've been familiar with this for quite awhile but never knew anyone personally. They gave him perks and it helped a lot but that was only short term. We thought it could be shit in the weed like ferts or pesticides but he grows his own. Must be interfering with a receptor in the gut somehow since the symptoms are almost the exact opposite of a good high. Opiates would calm that receptor down I'd imagine.
got this a few times always seem 2 happen when theres been a lot of alcohole thinktheres a lot more 2 it tho like somthing used onthe plant
I've also noticed that keeping a heating pad on my stomach works just as well as a hot shower sometimes. I would usually turn the shower on really hot, & lay in the shower while the hot water hits my stomach. But if you wanna save some hot water, that's another helpful method lol
I read online that in colorado the ER's are having major issues with described the symptoms exactly...the article said it was due to immense amounts of thc being consumed and that as soon as the people stopped smoking/dabbing etc...they feel better.

tell him to quit for a couple weeks...
Look up CHS and Azadirachtin. The leading theory for the cause of CHS is pesticide poisoning. Azadirachtin was never intended to be used on a product that isn't washed before consumption. (Like fruits and veggies) There are a great many growers, both commercial and hobbyist, that are treating their plants with this stuff right up to harvest, and believe it is totally safe.
Maybe just a coincidence but I suffer much of the same symptoms apart from baths instead of showers to ease the pain and discomfort. My symptoms were diagnosed as pancreatitis but I have a history of alcohol abuse, very historic though because I haven't drank alcohol for over a decade. Sorry if this is completely left field and not applicable and nothing more than a coincidence just very similar symptoms.
probably related to pancreatitis, mine was related to gall bladder. once removed episodes decreased significantly.
I'm curious if both high thc and high cbd varieties do this? Perhaps he should make a switch to a different variety? Best of luck with this.
my research indicated high cbd varieties may have anti-endemic results, doing the opposite of typical effect on appetite.
Showers are actually a symptom, and frequent showering is supposedly required (clinically) in order to be diagnosed with the syndrome. Without the frequent showering, the illness could be a number of different things like "cyclical vomitting syndrome".

Showers "help" with the pain and discomfort only while the person is actually IN the shower. Hence, frequent showering. The hot water dialates the vascular system which has something to do with relieving the yucky symptoms.

My son has not completely quit, but he's cut back -- and we are keeping a detailed journal now of when he smokes, and why. Again, this is medicinal smoking and not social. He has autism, a brain injury, a SEVERE anxiety disorder (primary reason for smoking), and is physically disabled. The number of prescription medications this kid was once on -- and the horrible side effects of them -- was outrageous. I hate that he is going to have to find something to replace medicinal weed because, for the most part, it really has helped him.

maybe needs a different source of of meds? maybe a different strain? a different method of ingestion?
The folks I know with similar suffering have common denominators often not considered. (diet,artificial sweeteners, gmo crunchy corn snacks,rx drugs, tobacco, etc)

I hope he finds resolve soon
Yep, and without any studies done on its safe use in cannabis.
when i have been using medicine that i have grown, i have not experienced any episodes. not scientific, one episode in last two years and i was buying from store again.
Yes , damn near every other day, but it's caused by ibs , to tell you the truth, people like me with this condition, we get pretty nervous to eat anything cause you never no what's going to happen. My dad gave me a joint, never smoked before ,not once, and started getting sick in 2012, I was 250lbs, I started drastically losing weight dad got scared and gave me a joint, I smoked it curiously and cautiously, to see what it would do, after ten minutes of finishing that thing , I was starving, and the plus side, wasn't to worried about eating , even though I have lost 130 lbs, I feel much better, at least I can eat now, I used to hate marijuana, now I think it's a blessing. I can't imagine what I would look like without it. is probably be a skeleton. Now I'm starting to gain weight back, eventhough I still get sick every other day. I hot shower , get out smoke and eat a half hour later ,so it's definitely much better now, better than staying in the hospital for 2 weeks , over and over again that's for sure.

I'm curious -- Do any of you have:

  1. bouts of nausea, and
  2. periodic episodes of INSANE vomitting (as if you had food poisoning),
  3. with severe stomach pains,
  4. AND find that you are taking a ton of hot showers each day to feel better?

Perhaps you've even had to go to the emergency room because it was so bad?

If so, post and let me know (or send a PM if you'd prefer). My son has this problem and I am researching its correlation to frequent smoking. I've always been a huge advocate of medicinal marijuana use, by the way.

I'll supplement this post with the research if it turns out that I'm not the only one interested in the subject.
In some cases, smoking too much marijuana can cause these symptoms. .
first ive heard of it in 50 plus years :eyesmoke:
The feds are pushin this scare tactic.. along with the fact that POT isn't medicine :lol:
ya sure! :weed:

stop trying to add to the large piles of poo that prohibition would love to pile higher.:weed:
These BS nonsensical lies are showing up in the news as of late ...:-D(::Po_O:idea::hump::bigjoint:

cheers pukin ears!
I had this problem in a mild form for awhile. I heard about the neem oil/ azadiractin connection and cut it out of my regimen and the problem went away for me.

Now I recommend that people only use been and derivatives in veg, never in bloom. The stuff is an oil and it's persistent- and gets concentrated right along with resin when made into hash.

I haven't seen any studies making a positive connection as yet, but it fits the symptoms and the timeline.