Do you tell a person when their plant is shitty?

Iv never heard anyone put it that way. That makes hella sense to me. This year will be my first year testing personal product. Since prices have plummeted from like 1-2k to just a hundred bucks a lb. And you get to pick more than just one or 2 things. the starting shit from canna quoted me at 365 dollars for 5 lbs and tests for potency test, terpene profile, residual solvents and moisture content.. I’m not a commercial producer in anyway. And I’m the main consumer. So I’m not worried about that. I got a quote through cannasafe labs and awaiting an email from acs labs. Are You familiar with either of those labs here in SoCal?
Never heard of them... most all labs are independently owned. This is why I wish they would have like 4 State owned labs that use the same equipment, same maintenance schedule,.. I think things would be different. From memory, we've had at least 2 labs get busted for fluffing the numbers... one of them was F.A.S.T. Labs out of OKC., can't remember the other, but yeah.. non are accurate. You just have to trust what they give you.. at $300+ per 10g, per batch, per strain, you really can't afford to shop around to find your best numbers. You'll loose your ass in lab testing. I remember our first set of labs in 2019 cost us around $7000.00 We have to do full panels on flower, and trim.
And if your moisture content comes in at 15.1% ... fail... go dry your shit, and bring us another sample and $365.00
Microbes.... fail- Goes to Processors for $100 a lb or less
Heavy Metals.. fail- You pay the State to come pick it up and destroy it. You pay the State to come pick it up and destroy it.

I was damn close on one!
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When I give I want feedback on if it was good shit or shit. I want to improve upon my next grow and appreciate the feedback. Former weed store manager I would have try and liked his honest opinion back. Mostly complained about it being too brittle from the freeze drying process I use. That is something I. Still trying to find a sweet spot with and have slowly been improving by lowering tray temps for the dry. I’ve bought weed where I thought it was dried up crap and would tell customers.
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When I give I want feedback on if it was good shit or shot. I want to improve upon my next grow and appreciate the feedback. Former weed store manager I would have try and liked his honest opinion back. Mostly complained about it being too brittle from the freeze drying process I use. That is something I. Still trying to find a sweet spot with and have slowly been improving by lowering tray temps for the dry. I’ve bought weed where I thought it was dried up crap and would tell customers.

reviews are what matter lol. I love getting text like this in a city full of dispos ;)
Kinda wish I had access to testing, considered the higrade app but I don’t trust a comparative picture algorithm to be any kinds of accurate so I ain’t gonna spend $100 just to put probably wrong numbers on a label
Hey man I don’t want to be rude but maybe you should give up growing as well. This plant looks like straight anus ^
how did these plants get like this? they have no swagger, they look like retarded corn cobs that forgot they were corn cobs halfway through growing and started growing as soimething else. where are the sparkles? serious question, what happened to these plants?