Well-Known Member
The toothfairy exists.. gave me a reach-a-round once.. I'm pretty sure it was the toothfairy, had wings and high heels...
...snip.....In the end your in a relationship because you love your mate not the things they do.
I'm pretty close with my guy. We work well together. I was his first real girlfriend so I tell him, completely seriously, if he wants to stick it in another girl before we get married its fine by me. I don't want him getting curious later on in life. .....snip......
When you are looking at serving life with another individual ya gotta try to be kind and flexible. Then again I'm about 30 in on a life term so my perspective is a lot of retrospective. I wish you the best with your guy. Maybe he is the one who can do monogamy. They are all differentthank heaven.
When i was in relationships, i wouldn't necessarily tell my lover everything, but i wouldn't lie either
Oh man, I've had that argument..
Brings up a good question, is omitting the truth lying?
There's no reason to tell your SO every little detail of every little thing, but if you're hiding something because you're afraid of the consequences, you're fucked either way. A relationship relies wholeheartedly on trust, so if you're sneaking around doing things you shouldn't, you're just being plain disrespectful and shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with... oh, and you WILL get caught.. it's just a matter of time.
You can't really trust someone if you are guilty either. Atleast from my observations and experiences from when I wasnt such a good boyfriend as a young man.
For the record I ended up making a good husband once I found the right woman and grew up a bit.