Do YOU think there is life after death?


Well-Known Member
No, not intelligent life as you live and remember now. At death, we return to the same condition we were in before we were born: 'we' do not exist.

But our atoms fuel the next generation of molecules - whatever they might be.


Well-Known Member
Im in college and currently taking a world religions class and with that being said i have to say that I find it rediculious how many people and religions that are out there that always focus on this very question.. i dont get how some people can spend there whole lives trying to figure out a question that can never be answered. They spend this life trying to figure out how they can have a better life after this one, Then they end up missing out on the only life that we were actually guaranteed. This one.

Now as for the question id have to say No, I don't believe there is a life after death. But if there is...I guess ill cross that bridge when it comes.


The question is vague. Does it mean life for ME after death, or life in general?

Because my physical composition as a man has a shelf life. When a person dies their body decomposes. The persons life is over and does not continue.

If the person decomposes in a natural surrounding in nature, it can decompose with the vegetation in the area. Being absorbed life can "continue" by the idea that your makeup is now moving beyond death in a hybrid fashion. Regardless of this though the persons mind is still absent & unaware.

The universe was all once the same energy that was dispersed, so in a way life can continue if matter is re absorbed.


Well-Known Member
oh yea, u will live forever, u just have to decide where? John 3:16

just what i belive personally, not pushin' or want to start anything, i grow weed, i belive in God!!

Just me!


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda afraid to die. I mean wtf - everything just comes to an end? Fuck that!

Yup...I really wish there was would make the whole dying thing much easier...this is why people find religion near the end...churches are full of old folks...But hopefully, if not embalmed, we can feed the worms.

Long life brother:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
you live, you die, you dno what happens next, you might be absorbed into a tree, you might be a star, you might be another human, there might be a god, he wont judge us coz he knew what he was doing and decided it should be that way, if there is i will smoke a fat blunt wiv god and 2pac and biggie.




bud bootlegger
i know what happens too... we die.. we rot.. we become worm food. or maybe if we are lucky, a mighty oak may use us to grow into the strong tree that it is .. i have never met anyone who was someone else before they are who they are now.. we get one chance at this thing called life.. make the best of it, cuz when your lights fades, its all over folks.. have fun, live life, and don't be mean to others..


Active Member
The only thing That lives after you are no more, is the lessons and memories you taught and created a long the way.... Peace


Active Member
Do I believe in life after death? I don't know, I think I may have in a previous life but then again we all thought the world was flat back then too.