Do you think trying drugs early fucked you up?

Do you think doing drugs early fucked you up?

  • Yes, I'm fucked

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I feel fine

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • N/A because I was a good kid and not a fuck up like you neo.

    Votes: 8 19.0%

  • Total voters
Hmm, I dropped acid back in HS...but rather than waste 50K paying for it I made production a hobby.

I smoke daily and never miss a workout, and would have to say quitting would definitely NOT improve quality of life.

Most folks get pretty bitchy when they've had a bad day and no THC to come home to.

you know what I mean though... all those bags weve smoked add up over the years, and ive always been able to afford it so I def blew a lot of money on it, maybe not quite 50k but its def up there in the tens of thousands. I was just stoned and wondering how much more ahead in life I, or any of us, could be if we didnt do shit like that. I think it stemmed from something I read about sports... if the time and money that was put into sports was put into science and research, we would be like 1000 years ahead of our time.

they will be bitchy for the first week until they get used to it, its really not that bad. and they wouldnt be having "bad days" 4 days a week if they had their shit together when they were younger and picked a decent career path!

I just see it too many times... seems like all the fuck ups of society are the ones that were smoking and fucking and doing chemical drugs at the age of 10, whereas all the successful guys with tons of money, nice houses, and gravy jobs/lives are the ones that were getting their shit together and had decent parents. now its a never ending cycle... those idiots have kids when they could barely look after themselves or their own future and it happens all over again.

me and a friend are a good example... were like twins right down to the wire. he choose partying and drinking at a young age, I choose weed and working, and like many, we both stuck with our ways pretty hard. I now have 100k to my name and hes got a ruined liver and pile of debt with no future in sight yet. were those parties and nights REALLY worth fucking yourself in the lung run? I know that not everyone does that sorta of thing, especially if youre here on RIU in your own place with your own computer paying your own internet bill.

but personally, I think doing drugs and shit at 10-15 is a little young and definitely will NOT help you in the future, it didnt help me thats for sure. do you really wanna be 50 and still broke and working? or retired with a family and nothing but time and money. if I could pass a monthly piss test with no problems, and did the RAP program in high school like the other kids did... I too could have my name on a Shell Canada business card, making 1000$ a day to sit in my AC office and then enjoy my 80,000$ xmas bonus, etc... one day ill "put the pipe down" (lmao) and grow up and seriously advance my life... come on god give me a reason!!!

im not anti weed of anti having a puff after work to calm yourself down. but it seems a lot of peoples lives revolve around weed, they just wont admit it, and its holding them back. and its not just weed, its mainly other drugs and booze.. I only smoke weed so I keep using that word, but I mean other shit. damn im stoned and rambling......
An elite club: You and Finshaggy.

You know Ignore and ignorant share more than just etymology.

funny, the only one upset is the guy who smokes cigarettes at 8 years old and acid at 12. you sound like a real successful guy with a well taken care of body.
I agree and disagree with you vacpurge. I honestly believe if I had wanted to, I could have gone to school for 8 years and became a lawyer if I dedicated myself to my education and studies. At the same time, had I gone that route, I don't think I would be nearly as happy and stress free as I am at the current time. Psychedelics and cannabis have helped me discover what is important to me and what truely makes me happy. Has it been a bumpy ride at times??? Sure it has. But in the end I feel more connected and in tune with myself and others than if I had never taken any drugs. I figured out some time ago that money is essential to survive but not essential to happiness. To me success is based around happiness and not money. My dad worked his as off, and with the exception of doing cocaine a handful of times in college is really straight laced. He is the director of operations for a company that provides meds to nursing homes across my state. He makes good money and has nice things but is not happy. I don't know that this question can be answered with a simple yes or no being there are too many different circumstances, complexities, and variables with each individual.

I think thats pretty much it. its different for everyone and it all boils down to what makes you happy... some people honestly couldnt care less that they have to walk to mcdonalds every day for work, just to come home to their gross apartment to their cat and their little pipe and 8th of weed, if thats what makes you happy, then more power to ya then I guess!! (not aimed at anyone here... but ya know what I mean)

im very materialistic and ill admit it, I like my high HP toys and fancy things, as well as being able to buy and do anything I want whenever I want, so im willing to work my ass off for it... basically... weed just isnt making me happy anymore. I dont smoke bud, ive been smoking oil for a year straight now and I dunno... I think im just finally growing up and really wanting to advance my future, something I hope al of the younger guys will feel or relate to.

and I dont give a shit if I offend or piss anyone off with these posts, even if just 1 person reads it and I kinda get the thought rolling in their head... im happy.

does doing drugs at a young age really help you to be more successful?? I had to sound like maude flanders or helen lovejoy right now, but seriously. be real with yourself.
you know what I mean though... all those bags weve smoked add up over the years, and ive always been able to afford it so I def blew a lot of money on it, maybe not quite 50k but its def up there in the tens of thousands. I was just stoned and wondering how much more ahead in life I, or any of us, could be if we didnt do shit like that. I think it stemmed from something I read about sports... if the time and money that was put into sports was put into science and research, we would be like 1000 years ahead of our time.

they will be bitchy for the first week until they get used to it, its really not that bad. and they wouldnt be having "bad days" 4 days a week if they had their shit together when they were younger and picked a decent career path!

I just see it too many times... seems like all the fuck ups of society are the ones that were smoking and fucking and doing chemical drugs at the age of 10, whereas all the successful guys with tons of money, nice houses, and gravy jobs/lives are the ones that were getting their shit together and had decent parents. now its a never ending cycle... those idiots have kids when they could barely look after themselves or their own future and it happens all over again.

me and a friend are a good example... were like twins right down to the wire. he choose partying and drinking at a young age, I choose weed and working, and like many, we both stuck with our ways pretty hard. I now have 100k to my name and hes got a ruined liver and pile of debt with no future in sight yet. were those parties and nights REALLY worth fucking yourself in the lung run? I know that not everyone does that sorta of thing, especially if youre here on RIU in your own place with your own computer paying your own internet bill.

but personally, I think doing drugs and shit at 10-15 is a little young and definitely will NOT help you in the future, it didnt help me thats for sure. do you really wanna be 50 and still broke and working? or retired with a family and nothing but time and money. if I could pass a monthly piss test with no problems, and did the RAP program in high school like the other kids did... I too could have my name on a Shell Canada business card, making 1000$ a day to sit in my AC office and then enjoy my 80,000$ xmas bonus, etc... one day ill "put the pipe down" (lmao) and grow up and seriously advance my life... come on god give me a reason!!!

im not anti weed of anti having a puff after work to calm yourself down. but it seems a lot of peoples lives revolve around weed, they just wont admit it, and its holding them back. and its not just weed, its mainly other drugs and booze.. I only smoke weed so I keep using that word, but I mean other shit. damn im stoned and rambling......

I fully admit being married to my plants:weed:, a choice I made after a decade of building condos/golf course communities/custom homes. Had I not been in business for myself, never could have gotten away with all the herb smoking. A shame that economic laws are still playing a role in career decisions when so many go to local bars after work.
And're babbling.:lol:
I fully admit being married to my plants:weed:, a choice I made after a decade of building condos/golf course communities/custom homes. Had I not been in business for myself, never could have gotten away with all the herb smoking. A shame that economic laws are still playing a role in career decisions when so many go to local bars after work.
And're babbling.:lol:

it sounds to me like youre an older guy who was born in the 60s or 70s when hard workers were still made. im sure when you were 10-15 you werent out doing the shit kids do nowadays, you had discipline and thats probably why you were able to build custom homes and build a good future for yourself so that you can be married to plants. am I right or completely wrong? I agree though about the bar thing and I dont mean to target weed in specific or sound like it... my point was people doing drugs when theyre so young, or allowing their kids to do them and turning a blind eye to them. its fun, but it doesnt help. I guess im being the devils advocate here or the parent that shows up and makes them put the joint out... might not be fun, but im right!

todays generation is WAY different. kids nowadays are fucked and im scared to see what our future holds when the baby boomers are gone.
mmt in slow's usage i think refers to methadone maintenance treatment neo..

i'm in the same boat, only way i knew it, lol.. i'm down to 15mg's a day, trying to get off completely after 12 years now..

I feel for you man. I was on that shit for over 5yrs. It took me 6mo. to taper off it and then another 6mo before I started to feel normal. That stuff is a SOB to get off of- takes forever. Hang in there you'll feel so much better when your off it.
Not sure if the bragging comment was directed towards me but I certainly wasn't bragging. I thought that was pretty clear. Can't really say if my life would have been better if I was more disciplined. All I know is life is pretty good now and I have no regrets. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. That was bragging. Kinda. Love Bladerunner.
I think thats pretty much it. its different for everyone and it all boils down to what makes you happy... some people honestly couldnt care less that they have to walk to mcdonalds every day for work, just to come home to their gross apartment to their cat and their little pipe and 8th of weed, if thats what makes you happy, then more power to ya then I guess!! (not aimed at anyone here... but ya know what I mean)

im very materialistic and ill admit it, I like my high HP toys and fancy things, as well as being able to buy and do anything I want whenever I want, so im willing to work my ass off for it... basically... weed just isnt making me happy anymore. I dont smoke bud, ive been smoking oil for a year straight now and I dunno... I think im just finally growing up and really wanting to advance my future, something I hope al of the younger guys will feel or relate to.

and I dont give a shit if I offend or piss anyone off with these posts, even if just 1 person reads it and I kinda get the thought rolling in their head... im happy.

does doing drugs at a young age really help you to be more successful?? I had to sound like maude flanders or helen lovejoy right now, but seriously. be real with yourself.

To each and their own. Ive figured out how to be happy whether I have everything in the world or just the shirt on my back. That to me is priceless and I wouldn't even think about trading that ability for a 200k/year job.
first I'd like to say sorry for not reading the whole thread first..

I started smoking pot around 16 (I think, maybe 15). Had my first mushroom trip at 16. At about 17, I had a friend that was into fake cannabis. I'm sure you know that saying "curiosity killed the cat".. well shit! I wasn't aware of that saying at them time. I feel like I was mentally fucked over from that. Like seriously, not crying about it, I just really don't feel like the same person. So I'd say, yup, drugs fucked me up.. the cat is dead! but it's alright.. maybe the cat is just in a coma, because I'm definitely feeling better. I'm 20 now, btw. So I'm still young. Sometimes I feel like pot and the occasional mushroom trips are keeping me in this "haze" I was left with from drugs (specifically synthetic cannabis)... but then I start thinking that I used them (mushrooms and cannabis) before I was fucked over and I was fine then.

I'm thinking about going sober for a year and see how that effects me. Trust me, I fucking LOVE pot and shrooms, but I think my "youth" should be more valued right now. I heard your brain fully developes around age 25.. so I think I'll be having some real fun then :bigjoint:
Great thread and great conversation. I think about this all the time. Been smoking bud for about 10 years. Tried all drugs. But nothing has made me feel as good about myself as Mary Jane does. I wonder how my mind would be if I hadn't smoked or during the crucial developmental time period of the brain(18-24yrs). Has the cannibinoids amplified my mental disorders (depression,anxiety,bi-polar). I tend to think so. But this weed IMO is a double edged sword. It gives me a hope and creativity otherwise not naturally produced in the brain. With this power can I overcome the metal disorders brought to light. I've never done a big amount of other drugs to have a view if they affected my life. But with choices come consequences, just depends how you accept it. I'm sure we'd all be richer people if we never started. But I will take EXPERIENCES and MEMORIES, good or bad over all the money in the world. Buying a bag of weed is the equivalent to buying a book. Both can teach you something new.
I think a better way to look at it would be to ask all these geniuses that brag about popping acid at 13 and cigarettes at age 10 how successful they are today. how much money in the bank and what do they got for assets and education, or a career? I think you would find the results to be pretty interesting regarding the kids that were smoking and fucking at 12 years old VS the kids that had concerned parents.

3/5 of the 13 year olds that I knew that did that shit, turned out to be complete losers in their 20s, and I imagine their 30s wont get any better. their lives suck right now compared to the 13 year olds that did something with their lives back in the 90s...

thats just what ive noticed around my circle of friends, and im sure im not the only one.

even myself personally.. I like to think im doing pretty damn good for someone my age... but I cant help but think if I didnt smoke weed so young, and continue to for 10+ years, and havnt spend probably 50,000$ on weed in my life... how much further ahead would I be in life? I could be smarter, a better position in my industry, have more money, and probably spent more time in the gym. we all could have been I bet... kinda fucked up to think about it. id probably be a year or 2 more advanced than I am now (ie: already own a place or half own, got my JM ticket, etc...)

I quit for 3 months one time.. it was great. ive had friends quit too, and as much as I hate to admit it... our life quality improves when we quit, and they confirmed it.

It appears you need some LSD and fungi therapy.
Yes, acid in school, walking to the water tower after and getting high, running when we saw the police headlights driving up. Check.

Sounds like me as a kid... do I know you? lol

I didn't vote as how could I tell if I was fucked up as I don't have any non-fucked time logged. That said I do see trails and twists like I saw during LSD ingestion but other than a strong desire for weed I guess I'm okay. I didn't do acid until I was 16 and only a few hundred times so I'll live. It was the inhalants and speed that may have done some damage but I'll never know.
I think a better way to look at it would be to ask all these geniuses that brag about popping acid at 13 and cigarettes at age 10 how successful they are today. how much money in the bank and what do they got for assets and education, or a career? I think you would find the results to be pretty interesting regarding the kids that were smoking and fucking at 12 years old VS the kids that had concerned parents.

3/5 of the 13 year olds that I knew that did that shit, turned out to be complete losers in their 20s, and I imagine their 30s wont get any better. their lives suck right now compared to the 13 year olds that did something with their lives back in the 90s...

thats just what ive noticed around my circle of friends, and im sure im not the only one.

even myself personally.. I like to think im doing pretty damn good for someone my age... but I cant help but think if I didnt smoke weed so young, and continue to for 10+ years, and havnt spend probably 50,000$ on weed in my life... how much further ahead would I be in life? I could be smarter, a better position in my industry, have more money, and probably spent more time in the gym. we all could have been I bet... kinda fucked up to think about it. id probably be a year or 2 more advanced than I am now (ie: already own a place or half own, got my JM ticket, etc...)

I quit for 3 months one time.. it was great. ive had friends quit too, and as much as I hate to admit it... our life quality improves when we quit, and they confirmed it.

To answer the question directed at me (the guy who's been eating acid since 13): I have a 147 IQ, no BS. I have had great success as a guitarist, DJ, music promoter too. I helped develop the 'direct to fan' music marketing business model. The first artist I found for the label in question happened to have 3 albums on the beatport top 10. SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Look up SectionZ Records. Email them and ask about Mad Hamish. I've had this nickname for long time. See if I'm lying. Dickhead. Seriously, suck my balls.
And saying our youth is fucked up? I know plenty of chronic weed smokers that are just finishing up Masters degrees and working high pay jobs. Yes we're different, just as the boomers were to the flapper generation. Doesn't mean y'all should call us trash. All the young guys that are returning from Afghanistan and Iraq should be labeled as lazy and fucked up too? But we're not and we know it. The "silent generation" needs to remain silent.
Just because of what you see on t.v. is not who we are as a whole. Just like I don't assume every boomer thinks like John McCain.
I was young and I was lost, my intellect couldn't sway my emotions and I was caught in the maelstrom, a sot I became and the waters darkened still. One day when the cutting failed to release the demons, a plant lit the way, the torrents subsided and calm was once more.
I've been running a race that isn't mine and under my own volition will I pass the finish line.
Was gonna post but see vacs having another anti drug I'm-better-than-you rant so think ill come back when the bug has dislodged from his arse no offense
I did a lot of shrooms and acid in middle school and high school, and it changed nothing about me except make me more curious about mind boggling astro-psychics,philosophy and made me a better person. It made me who I am today,it showed me who I really was and made be able to be who I am regardless of who liked it or not. So with that said, I feel like I ended up not fucked up because it led to myself discovery.
I think it was more that my life was fucked up so I started doing drugs early. But I probably would be better off now if I hadn't started young