Do you think we should have free unfiltered speech on the internet?

I guess it depends on what you mean by "the internet". If you want free speech on the internet, you can either visit the dark web, or just start your own private server.
I think Joe Biden should not be able to give speeches. It's kind of embarrassing, other than that say what you want and reap the benefits or suffer the consequences.
I think Joe Biden should not be able to give speeches. It's kind of embarrassing, other than that say what you want and reap the benefits or suffer the consequences.

This is especially fun coming from you, Dr. Taxy Methington.
Sorry you are right it was a bit.

Total free speech forever is a bullshit goal that might sound good, but actual reality is why it is not. If a company allows people to post the most vile crap humanity can produce and not be able to remove it, they will not last long.
Ya well there is some pretty vile shit now :o!
Yeah, but the conversation around it has gotten weird and the freaking worst god damn people I can imagine keep testing the limit. Free speech sure, but expect to get punched in the face for being a jackass.
I don't want to punch anyone, yet. But I would be very,very tempted to grab one of those pointy fingers they seem to enjoy sticking into people's faces. I could make them think twice about ever doing that again.
the how to make cool crystals using pennies and baking soda picture that went viral was pretty funny.