Do you think we're in the middle of a 'new age of enlightenment'?


Well-Known Member
Organized religion on the decline, Bradley Manning winning person of the year for disclosing US atrocities, undeniable evidence for climate change finally being accepted by mainstream media, TYT claiming the top news ratings among online outlets, the Arab spring, Palestine being recognized internationally, Curiosity gaining international acclaim, the Higgs Boson and science once again showing international prominence, marijuana recreationally legal in two US states with a promising future to end the war on drugs completely, dipshit politicians who support unscientific, religiously based claims being ousted by their constituents, a reasonably sound man in the White House...

Is this the beginning of something big? Are we experiencing this in a much needed modern society?
the tide goes in, the tide goes out, you can't explain that!

Lol, and those dummies are quickly losing steam!

Dumb arguments coupled with elderly audiences aren't taken seriously in any arena in the real world these days, and the taboo to 'respect your elders' regarding any dumb shit they happen to say is being broken day by day. The old "grandma grew up in a racist time, so it's OK she thinks the delivery boy will rape her and steal her shit" argument is being turned into "times have changed.. get the fuck with it you old racist bitch", as they should be.

Ignorance should be called out in every avenue, passes are no longer being handed out due to old age or a blood connection. Young people are realizing the liberty of other people, even though they may not know or be related to them, is more important than some old, racist, assholes sensibilities.
I agree, but I believe it's becoming harder and harder to be willfully ignorant (in our society at least), as being an idiot, especially with today's technology, is highlighted in moments of meeting someone if you're good at spotting it. Dummies don't get far in life, and today, they're finding it more difficult to get very far in social interactions as well. Hot chicks still seem to get a pass, hot dudes as well come to think of it, but I believe that fad will pass. I personally find it unattractive if a hot chick doesn't know shit. Especially if she's older than 20. Some people would call it intellectual elitism, I call it real life. If you don't know who the president is, if you think going to the club every other weekend is more important than advancing your life, if you go tanning every other day while working at the dollar store... You're hideous to me. You can be a 10/10, visually, but intellectually you're a 0. Guess what that does to your average? ... I forgot, you can't do math, so I'll tell you... you're a 5. You know what 5's get?

A kiss on the cheek..
as long as we have humor, i think we'll do just fine. scariest places in the world are devoid of it.

we need a national holiday that pokes fun at the very people you talk about.
Prepare for a lot of likes and rep coming your way later today pad when I'm not on my phone and can actually do those things.
I'll say this Pada. When the leaves turn from green to yellow and red - We know it's Fall. The leaves' color does not determine the season, but it is indicative of the season.

When certain planets align with earth, in this case I'm specifically referring to Uranus and Pluto, starwatchers can reasonably assume the 'season' of the collective-mind. Pluto is the destroyer/creator. Uranus is the cosmic trickster, often compared to a fellow named Prometheus who had been known to fool even the gods themselves. So to me, looking at things from an astrological perspective, it appears that we are in for some destruction/creation that will manifest itself in a way that no-one will expect.

The last time this alignment occurred was in the mid-60s. Think flower power, and the feeling of consciousness expansion. Except this time around, I'm hoping we won't dull our expanded consciousness with the very things that expanded our monkey-minds, which for that alignment/period was drugs and 'free love'.

Synchrony breeds diachrony.
I believe more and more people are becoming aware that they are reaching the limits of their human potential within the current state of consciousness that the "world human organism" seems to function...and by that I mean collective consciousness. I do believe more and more people are WAKING UP to the limitations of this fabricated reality and system we've all grown so accustomed to functioning within (and that quite honestly is a lot like the land of the living dead). The problem is that it can be difficult to find guides/gurus/spiritual leaders that can help show the newly arriving their way through the jungle and into enlightenment as the process of enlightenment doesn't manifest itself the same way for all people. We're in that really uncomfortable in-between stage where we've severed from what no longer serves us, but we've yet to fully arrive with the elixir.
I also think it is very interesting that these planets come into exact alignment on a date that is extremely close to 12-21-12. Exact dates aren't really relevant for this type of alignment though, because the planets' orbits are so large. Alignments are measured in 'orbs' which represent a range of degrees on a circle. They are ballpark figures.
I'll say this Pada. When the leaves turn from green to yellow and red - We know it's Fall. The leaves' color does not determine the season, but it is indicative of the season.

When certain planets align with earth, in this case I'm specifically referring to Uranus and Pluto, starwatchers can reasonably assume the 'season' of the collective-mind. Pluto is the destroyer/creator. Uranus is the cosmic trickster, often compared to a fellow named Prometheus who had been known to fool even the gods themselves. So to me, looking at things from an astrological perspective, it appears that we are in for some destruction/creation that will manifest itself in a way that no-one will expect.

The last time this alignment occurred was in the mid-60s. Think flower power, and the feeling of consciousness expansion. Except this time around, I'm hoping we won't dull our expanded consciousness with the very things that expanded our monkey-minds, which for that alignment/period was drugs and 'free love'.

Synchrony breeds diachrony.

...wicked post. Strife asked me in SS&P what I thought would happen - plain words. I used plain words. The full explanation would have been that this 'started' in the 60's with that revolution. Seems as though it sparked a devolution because it 'met' people where they were. I'm thinking that this 'event' is a chance to correct that. "Sacred".
I also think it is very interesting that these planets come into exact alignment on a date that is extremely close to 12-21-12. Exact dates aren't really relevant for this type of alignment though, because the planets' orbits are so large. Alignments are measured in 'orbs' which represent a range of degrees on a circle. They are ballpark figures.
Woo Woo talk right here.'s a question: does humanity 'deserve' a new age of enlightenment? Has it progressed in such a way that is conducive to an 'enlightened' state of being?

note: light is not 'heavy', this is where I'm coming from with this. Humanity seems too burdened with humanity to lighten up.