no unless you count a wheelchair. in the town i live in you can get a dui/dwi wile riding a bike (peddle type).Be honest people. Don't come up in here saying hell no then take 4 bong hits of train wreck and drive to walmart. I honestly toke then drive (not at the same time). Its so fun to pull up to white castle blasted. The girls just look at me and shake there heads lol. One time I was with my girl in my car and I had some sativa strain that made me think I was flying on a magic carpet and I was aladin and she was jazmine. So do you toke and drive?
Most states in Australia have random roadside drug testing these days so its not worth the trouble.
Fortunately I live three houses from a shopping centre so I walk.
Random road drug tests wtf??? Thats to much man. Like stopping old ladies over and saying,"mam im going to do a random drug test for marijuana and other stuff on you mmm'kay?"no unless you count a wheelchair. in the town i live in you can get a dui/dwi wile riding a bike (peddle type).
Damn I thought everyone drove high. Surprised to see 4 no's...
Lol, no its all us med users that don't smoke in the car because we could get busted...those 4 where the underagers who do not have there license yet
Im a med patient.
If i get pulled over for smoking while driving.
I just wont tell the cop im a med patient.
And take the punishment.
I drive a 40 yr old vw bus. 65 mph max speed.
I have only been pulled over once in the last ten years.
And did not get a ticket.
LOL,,,good thread,,made me laugh,,,yes I toke,,,then drive,,,moretimes I toke and drive,,,,or,,,I drive and toke my way to the job,,then get up on a steep roof and have a monkey of a time makin it look awesome for the customer,,then I smoke a doob on the way home on,, the HIGHWAYBe honest people. Don't come up in here saying hell no then take 4 bong hits of train wreck and drive to walmart. I honestly toke then drive (not at the same time). Its so fun to pull up to white castle blasted. The girls just look at me and shake there heads lol. One time I was with my girl in my car and I had some sativa strain that made me think I was flying on a magic carpet and I was aladin and she was jazmine. So do you toke and drive?
Thats horrible..If your a everyday smoker, not saying you said you are but you shouldnt get fucked up off weed..Weed actually makes me better at everything I do. Thats why I always smoke before doing anything haha. Blunt rides are one of my favorate things to do. I couldnt imagine not doing it time to time.I used to. Then I realized why the fuck should I drive high and get arrested/killed? So now if I'm stoned I'll just call someone to pick me up, or take the ol' rusty bike.
Yes a ritual that cant go undid.LOL,,,good thread,,made me laugh,,,yes I toke,,,then drive,,,moretimes I toke and drive,,,,or,,,I drive and toke my way to the job,,then get up on a steep roof and have a monkey of a time makin it look awesome for the customer,,then I smoke a doob on the way home on,, the HIGHWAY,,,,,,,,,,,