Do you use cfls???


Well-Known Member light your house? lol, i bet everyone was thinking this was gonna be something posted in the wrong thread. Seriously though, do you? I do and ive offset the cost of my 400w hps and all my equipment just by changing all those old shitty halogens to nice effecient cfls. Did you know if everyone in the us would just switch 1 old bulb to a cfl it would solve most of our energy problems? I cant remember where i read that but it had numbers to back it up. just 1 bulb in every household. Crazy, isnt it?


Well-Known Member
yea but the gas used to fuel them is mercury which still is not good for the environment. led's is where its at when the price comes down. but yea i do use cfls.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
yea but the gas used to fuel them is mercury which still is not good for the environment. led's is where its at when the price comes down. but yea i do use cfls.
I was looking at LED's for a certain light that has like 6 bulbs. $35 a piece fuck that shit


Well-Known Member
they reduced the mercurty levels and all that stuff pretty drastically from what they were in the past. i think they did that when the gov. had this program going trying to get people to switch to cfls in their houses.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Yeah - no choice, the proper bulbs which actually give off a decent amount of lumens have been banned over here (another reason (along with the smoking ban) why I think lifes turned to shit in the last few years) :-(


Well-Known Member
in most areas yeah... except my bathroom cuz it has one of those 4 lightbulb thingies.... and ONE cfl is bright enough for the bathroom but then it looks ugly with 3 open light sockets lol


Well-Known Member
Nothing but CFL's throughout my house. You can't beat the price, their life span, or the light they put out.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
I have a couple of CFLs on my house, but to be honest I prefer the old ones because CFLs produce an insane amount of contamination! even the new ones...

and unless you take the time and money to properly dispose mercury waste you shouldn't buy them

I would stay with old incandescent bulbs until LED bulbs go cheaper

stay green people and protect the Earth! it's our future.. :mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of CFLs on my house, but to be honest I prefer the old ones because CFLs produce an insane amount of contamination! even the new ones...

and unless you take the time and money to properly dispose mercury waste you shouldn't buy them

I would stay with old incandescent bulbs until LED bulbs go cheaper

stay green people and protect the Earth! it's our future.. :mrgreen: :blsmoke:
Most electric companies or local government have a CFL disposal program as part of their green initiatives, at least near me. It's usually along with programs that have to help you switch out your old bulbs with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread lives again! haha, i'm happy you all stopped by. if only the rest of the world would switch to cfls...hell i heard that if every household in america would switch 1 of their old bulbs to cfls it would save enough energy to solve most of our energy problems....only thing is though i dont know how that would help our addiction to gas at all, so i dont see how it could. but anyway.......


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of CFLs on my house, but to be honest I prefer the old ones because CFLs produce an insane amount of contamination! even the new ones...

and unless you take the time and money to properly dispose mercury waste you shouldn't buy them

I would stay with old incandescent bulbs until LED bulbs go cheaper

stay green people and protect the Earth! it's our future.. :mrgreen: :blsmoke:
I hear ya, but im skeptical the newest ones have such a big drawback. Sure they probally got a little but they reduced it alot when the us govt supported that big push to use them, from what i understand.(plus brandon. has a real good point too.)