My daughter is only 4 years old and have not smoked anything in 2 years roughly. But....... when I was young probably 8 I went to parents bathroom and there was a big round metal Tin (cookies come in it) I opened it it contained rolling papers weed grinder etc. I asked my parents what it was. Of Course They Could Not Always Afford Cigs So They Would Roll Thera own. Then a year or so after say 9-10 I found a bag or roaches and asked what those were. My dad's excuse. Well son were I work I can't throw my cig buts on grundy or in the trash can so I put them in my pocket and then he took a cig but ripped it and said see. I then got 13 roughly mayber earlier and learned.what weed was about. I of course had no money so I would pinch out my.parents bag. One time I took probably an eighth and mom asked if I been in her room and I said no my older sister was lol and she was posses cause someone stole something out her room but would not say what. Well a few weeks later my parents were outside and I sat beside them fired 1 up and they said he'll no and.walked.away lol but its all good now