Dobby's Grow


Well-Known Member
Well after a long time, a lot longer than I'd like to admit I am growing again. Circumstances being what they are it is either this or go without. This is mostly so I can look back since this whole set up seems to be undergoing substantial changes as I go. This is also my first try at hydro. While this is mostly for me, if you happen along that's all cool too. :clap:

So I gathered up my bag seeds, well the ones I had left and went to germinating. I got one plant. That was a was a bitter pill to say the least. Oh well my own darned fault.

Anyway, I started out with a couple of T-8's each outfitted with a warm and cool white bulb. the plant was in my homemade "grow spot" running 18/6. After about a month I was given a couple of Osiris beans and a Bubba Kush. Now you can already see I had a month old plant and the seedings made things kind of varied but doable. Wanting to have something to sample by Superbowl time, I was able to get my hands on some 60 day wonders hopefully to fill the bill. Never grew autoflowers before, should be interesting.

Currently I have a two-month old plant, three one-month old plants and two seedlings.

Not one to leave well enough alone I decided to go ahead and flower the oldest plant, using a T-8 for now, I don't know if it is a male or female though, I figure I should by Christmas.

That left the one T-8 for the other five plants, well that would never do, so I got myself a reflector and a Lumatek ballast. I put a 400 watt MH in today, boy it sure perked those plants right up after a fashion. Keeping an eye on canopy temps, right now about 80 at the warmest spot.

The plan is to veg everything for a month longer and switch to a 600 watt HPS and flower, if the older plant is indeed a female then I will bring it out into the group to finish its last month. Don't know what kind of yields I will get, but I guess I'll find out.

Some pictures are below:The bubba is on the far right, and going to the left there is one Osiris the two 60 day Wonders and the other Osiris

This is the older plant I am flowering (I also topped it a week or so ago)
and finally the two 60 day gals (16 days from germ), the shorter of the two Osiris is on the right

I've been reading to be careful with the nutes on the autoflowers but have yet to get a good reason why.


Well-Known Member
I have one less plant after a week. The older plant I had put into flowering had balls.

That's the breaks and it was bag seed. I chopped it down this morning.
The others are doing pretty well, I can see a big difference since they went under the MH.
I topped the Bubba Kush and one of the WWAKKS (Osiris) (both 36 days post germination) just to manage height as they have another 30 days veg, Tiny bit of nute burn too, either that or the light did it since it only showed on the outside plants.
The 60 day wonders picked up the pace quite a lot under the brighter lights they are 23 days now. Hopefully they will have something by the Super Bowl.

the pictures are Bubba / Osiris bushy one / Osiris taller one topped / one of the 60 day wonders / and the five of them.
dobby-354677-albums-dobby-grow-picture1942151-bubba1218.jpg dobby-354677-albums-dobby-grow-picture1942150-wwakb1218.jpg dobby-354677-albums-dobby-grow-picture1942148-wwaka1218.jpg dobby-354677-albums-dobby-grow-picture1942149-60dw1218b.jpg dobby-354677-albums-dobby-grow-picture1942147-allofthem1218.jpg


Well-Known Member
When I started this grow I figured to use a florescent up to at least the flowering stage. After all this grow is the first in a long-long time and my first hydro and indoor start to finish. It also was to be a bag seed grow. Last week I chopped the only bag seed plant cause it was a male.

This week I made some changes in the set up, mostly to take better advantage of the light and to switch to an ebb and flow probably as soon as the autoflowers are done.


I have hydroton in the tray on the left and have enough for the other one just need to rinse it up. The next grow I'll add more plants for sure if I keep the same set up, might go with coco though cause I can get it locally.

So, in the tray on the left is an Osiris in the back and a 60 Day wonder in front as well as in the center. The 60 Day plants are very different from each other, one is short and bushy and the other is "taller" and slender.


The tray on the right has Bubba Kush in the back and the other Osiris in the front. The Osiris also have one short and very lush and the other is taller and bushy plus it was topped.


The 60 Day Wonders are at 30 days. The Osiris and BK are at 45 and 43 days. They are doing pretty good I think.



Well-Known Member
It's time for the weekly update. Everything seems to be going along pretty well.

I swapped around the Bubba Kush and the shorter of the Osiris. The idea is to get a little more light on the Osiris.

This is kind of an overview. Right you can see the BK, 60 day wonder center and left is another 60 d in front and the taller Osiris in back.

The plan right now is to switch to 12/12 and swap the 400 MH for a 600 HPS. I welded up some aluminum rails so I will be able to get the HPS a little higher than would otherwise be possible. I washed up the rest of the hydroton I will need for the ebb and flow I will use in flower.

I'm going to need to switch the 60 day wonders to a 12/12 under the 600 for their final week and a half (and then a few days of dark) before harvest. HOPEFULLY it won't mess them up too much, any thoughts?

The 60 day wonder plants made a big change here is Day 37 from gemination, a top bud from one plant and side buds from the other:
1112topbud.jpg 111260sb.jpg

This is the taller of the two 60 d:

And finally a shot of the BK, in the upper left there is a Lady Bug keeping things clean :?



Well-Known Member
Things still seem to be going along good. The two autos are filling in, they should be finishing off in a couple to three weeks. They whole idea of the autos was to have some bud to smoke for the super bowl. One way or another that is going to happen even if I have to dry it quick. For me, it was either that or go with no bud, jump through a bunch of hoops to get it OR just grow my own.

Here's one of the autos - 60 day wonders - one it lower bud site.

The others are photos, I will switch to the 600 hps next week. The autos will just have to make due, but I think they will be fine to finish. There is a bit of nute burn but I'm pushing the nutes right now, I'll be starting to flush maybe in a week and a half, too soon to tell yet tho...I'll let the plants decide.

The first is one of the 2 orisis and the other pix is just a look at them all. I had to tie down the bubba kush so it wouldn't grow into the light.

I think next time around I will go with 5 gallon buckets, like 4 to 6 of them and and maybe 3 autos, do a drip system with coco. I'll see how my yield is this time. The outdoor grow season is going to be the next thing and that's a while too. Circumstances prevent me from doing a second grow inside until summer and then it's too darn hot in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Another week done. The auto's are getting closer all the while. I hope they hurry up, I want some bud!! Been without for a loooooooong time. I will continue to be patient, they were grown special for the superbowl as I've mentioned. I ordered a loop to check out the trics, should be here later this week, want to get the best bud I can.

Here' s one of the auto's,

Here's a twisted leaved Osiris (plant is lush as hell so I don't worry about the leaves), the regular Osiris and an overall picture

and the bk brining up the end. These gals (?) are 66 days today, hope to have them on 12/12 with the 600 hps at the end of the week or early next. The bk and taller osiris are about 30 cm now, I'm a little concerned they will be taller than my grow space can accommodate as it is, heh but only a little if they do I will deal with it. Well I do have head space but don't want them too close the the light, I suppose I can crank the fan up if I have to. They would be on 12/12 now but I decided to wait out the auto's cause I got them this far and don't want to mess them up now and although people on here say it wouldn't, no sense taking a chance as I am this close anyways.

Oh yeah the bk, I'm not a great picture taker as you can see. But I think you get the idea. :-?


Well-Known Member
The auto's are in a dark period, tomorrow is the chop. The bud will dry and cure but I hope to have some kief to sample, probably even some for Sunday's games. YAY! Oh sure it won't be as good as the bud should be, still, it should be worthy of a sample. The 60 Day Wonders were 57 days from seed and had just a few amber tri's.

The couple photo period plants are now under the HPS and 12/12. The timer just went out so that's all good to go. Those plants are 70 days veg I hope they don't stretch into the light, it's going to be close cause I don't have that much space. Yeah could be real close, well I'll just wait and see. I do have a fan running at about that level.

Oh I also checked and the Lumatek ballast is running at about 40 C or 105 F so nice and cool.


Well-Known Member
Chopped and trimmed the auto's - sticky!!! Got a little kief quick drying for a sample maybe tomorrow or Sunday.


Well-Known Member
The 60 day wonder kief is really good. The bud is dry and ready to test, first taste will be at the start of the Super Bowl.

I still have the two Osiris and the Bubba. They are just finishing their first two weeks of 12/12 today and already they have good bud formation.

Pict 1 is one of the Osiris, and 2 a bud but not sure if it is osiris or the bubba, 3 is the Osiris top, it's the second one that has the weird leaves, the thing is lush though and finally 4 is both the bubba (r) and the previous osiris (L). The two taller plants are a little better than 3 feet, I think I will just make it with distance to the light - I hope.


It seems good to have some bud again. It's been a long time, really long. I've mentioned that before, what I didn't say is why. I have to be SUPER careful about getting anything locally cause of what I do and I just don't trust many of the people in the trade to keep their mouths shut. The only dude I did and he was my source for years and years passed away recently from cancer. He always did right by me too. So I kind of dedicate this grow to him, he'd be psyched ... peace man.

BTW: the colors are a little off because I used the HPS and tried to filter it out with Photoshop.


Well-Known Member

Here's my super bowl bud, it's the 60 day wonder. I basically grew this specifically for the game, well by the time I got things sorted I needed something that would do its deal pretty quick and get me through until the others finished. Timing was good, chopped and drying/curing for 16 days.

Taste - hash, very good! Nice and smooth. Need to evaluate better next time.
One really big hit and it is a nice awake affect. Kind of creeper, well how about a longish onset. LOL. Hard hitting, I don't know how much I would get accomplished with this but it will be fun to find out!

Seems good for pain.

Not a smoke report, just thoughts. Any way I really like this, very impressive for an auto. All in all I am very pleased.


Well-Known Member
Flowering Day 24

Everything seems to have settle in to a routine, more or less.

First the Bubba Kush, Looks like four main cola's all about the same size, if they all fill in like I think I would guess they'd be a half z each. Time will tell.

Then there is the Osiris (WW x AK47), one plant is the same as the bk with four main colas and a little better side nugs. It wasn't as crowded as the bk though.

The second Osiris was not topped as it was a shorter more compact plant. Below are some bud shots. The first is from the shorter Osiris and the second from the BK. By the looks neither will be lacking in the frosting department. The bk is running about a week behind in trichome production though.
osirisd24B.jpg bkd24.jpg

The leaves on the bk really aren't that yellow, it's where the flash in my little camera petered out.