Doc's Dank Seeds

Oh yeah almost forgot. @Vnsmkr I am going threw seeds and gonna get a nice variety to Doc for you. I have true and tested strains that can handle winds/rain/flooding and still produce very good with little to no bud rot after a month of non stop rains and flooding the root zone. There was no pm just plant started eating itself when roots were flooded for almost a month straight. I think Vitazyme also helped that allot. In fact I will dig out the seeds now and make yours up now. I also have to send to another so perfect time. I will call Doc as he wanted me to add in some of his stuff and need to know which ones as I do have most of Doc's gear and all of his earlier stuff also.
you can mail all the ones you don't wount TO ME,LOL
I hope old man is doing well also. I lazyed around yesterday mostly but I did get the one set of nets up. They looked a lot better this morning after having some time to recover from getting abbused View attachment 3846088

Interesting. so looks like you built two pvc frames, stretched some 4" netting, attached with zip ties and then suspended from the ceiling. Do this twice with about 6" between the two frames. Am I seeing that right?