Doc's Dank Seeds

I guess i missed the drop :(
I read on the Oregon Elite seeds thread that they are going to release the same strains that just dropped last night again in a few days. Is this true? Does anyone know
Yes he only picked up part of what he has reserved and will get the rest I guess when he gets his money back from pay pal. FUCK narc ass fucking people that want to rat him out because he took an order that was received Monday morning and shipped Thursday. I happen to know were it shipped to and the d bag is only an hour from that shit hole I left last year. As soon as I found that out all the dumb shit he post makes more sence.
Big news is I went and took a look around the Tier 1 rec grow I will be managing next year. Looks like I should be getting started when we get back from happy place fest on it and hopefully our med grow. I am going to be looking for land around Monroe ( no shit @Vnsmkr ) now. We will be opening a store front retail shop with Toby selling glass, trays, shirts, and shit there and online also. Going to be a big year guys and still be doing the breeding here but get more space to phenom hunt seed stock.
congrats on more success! my state just passed rec as well so i'm currently throwing all kinds of ideas around for other avenues other than buds and edibles. long road to become a proper breeder but i would like to at least get started for a ways down the road. storefront with a good glass collaboration would be an ok side gig too.
Big news is I went and took a look around the Tier 1 rec grow I will be managing next year. Looks like I should be getting started when we get back from happy place fest on it and hopefully our med grow. I am going to be looking for land around Monroe ( no shit @Vnsmkr ) now. We will be opening a store front retail shop with Toby selling glass, trays, shirts, and shit there and online also. Going to be a big year guys and still be doing the breeding here but get more space to phenom hunt seed stock.
Congrats brother, wish you guys all the success in the world. I agree, big year ahead! Whats the go with Funroe? Why there?