Doc's Dank Seeds

What does this one smell like? I had a similar looking pheno that smelled of apple and skunk.
I definately get the skunk upfront but it is kinda spicy, with some fruit/citrus on the backend... I take her to 70 and the end product change so the fruit/citrus is upfront with the skunk undertone coming on the backend. Super complex and smells way different once cured.
slymeball loving lightly amended rols/weak ss at the bottom of 10 gallon pot@ day 30. Local joint out of few things i needed but had premade ss on hand so said fuck it, too busy to look elsewhere. Come new (legal)year and I'll finally be able to soil/tissue test, and stop guessing. Two 12 gallons ladies to follow perpetual behind this so I'm anxious to get at some iwe this winter.


