I noticed with both 5 & 7 they are real comfortable highs like wrapping up in a warm blanket on a cold night
no matter how high I get. However I'll take the 7 for flavor any day.


I agree with you that the #7 was better in flavor and yield.

Well I got some plants move and started up potting but need more pots:)
@Thundercat thanks for looking out on the borocrow i cased it it extra heavy wall and it blew out to a bad ass color
now time for bed my ass done for the night:sleep:
I agree with you that the #7 was better in flavor and yield.

Well I got some plants move and started up potting but need more pots:)
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@Thundercat thanks for looking out on the borocrow i cased it it extra heavy wall and it blew out to a bad ass color
View attachment 3634121
now time for bed my ass done for the night:sleep:
That is awesome. I still want a bubbler. Don't forget me now. Not like you're busy or anything lol. We found a couple seeds in that stuff. I will run them and see what they make. I bet it's good.
That is awesome. I still want a bubbler. Don't forget want not like you're busy or anything lol. We found a couple seeds in that stuff. I will run them and see what they make. I bet it's good.
Yea am am about ready to start pumping product. Got to make some money back on my investment. I have a couple orders i am ready to do now. Don't want to put no Bull crap out.

Nice Doc, looks like that came out well!! Congrats on the bubblers too. Sounds like you had fun at the class.
Yea man it was cool and for $30 for 2 hour ( 3 when you chiff on some gg4 rosin. I will go next friday but want to hit up some other teachers too. My newest peace and am very proud of how it is coming out:)

Like this to just need a peace nice enough to put it on.20160318_133715.jpg
You are an amazing artist Doc!

My backyard IBL is doing it's thing:

I started some seeds:

Purple Haze Right Cola - Mo
Maui Wowie - Jigs
GTH - RareDankness
Long's Peak Blue- RareDankness
MalMo x Blue Dream - FLKeys
Purple Tears (Quirkle x Delahaze) - LA Cup gift
Malawi Gold - Holy Smoke
Malawi Gold x Mozambique Poison - Mo

I am saving your stuff for when I have the lab all set up.

Yea am am about ready to start pumping product. Got to make some money back on my investment. I have a couple orders i am ready to do now. Don't want to put no Bull crap out.

Yea man it was cool and for $30 for 2 hour ( 3 when you chiff on some gg4 rosin. I will go next friday but want to hit up some other teachers too. My newest peace and am very proud of how it is coming out:)
View attachment 3635182

Like this to just need a peace nice enough to put it on.View attachment 3635184

The shit bro. Man of many talents
Thank you guys a lot really. After some snidey ass remarks when I started getting shit to work right a couple 2-3 weeks in to doing this you guys it means a lot to me. had a lot typed but fuck all that. Anyway thanks guys and AJ how is that baby buddy?
@Mohican that was for you as well riu didn't quote your text I guess.

Baby doing good bro eating pooping lol. Already trying to play over and everything moving too damn fast lol
As always doc your grows. And adventures are awesome to read through and I can't wait till get my hands on some of your genetics. You produce phenomenal strains I'm in the city of Vancouver WA about 100 m. from Eugene but it's worth the drive to find your stuff I learned a lot from u and your threads keep it man it's great shit.
As always doc your grows. And adventures are awesome to read through and I can't wait till get my hands on some of your genetics. You produce phenomenal strains I'm in the city of Vancouver WA about 100 m. from Eugene but it's worth the drive to find your stuff I learned a lot from u and your threads keep it man it's great shit.
Nice i used to ride up to see DAT at the mall. Shit that is a short drive for me.

Glad to see things rolling Doc. Awesome to see those multiple talents at work. Is your website up yet?

I am about ready to take down a Greenman Organics Black Malawi. She is a pretty sexy bitch.
Thanks and no the pachaging is all in now but the cards. The web page is the next big project to go down.
Been splitting the garage to make room for a veg space. Transplanted 50 a night for two nights and still had more to go last night but didn't do any. Two nights on a bucket was not nice to me so had to take a transplant break. Got most of the last of the separating the garage done with my tiny door made. Finished the mushroom rig and made a pipe. Slept in late as fuck to day and my outside girls got crispy but they are back under the shade oops. I think most will be fine a couple are not happy though guess we will see.
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Your shaping is coming along nicely Doc. I havn't reached out to any distributors yet. I've been able to sell everything I make within about an hour of me. I've got a couple shops right in my town that buy about 80% of my work. The guy that owns them owns 2 more a couple hours away that are also going to start carrying my work so I think that is gonna keep me really busy.
Thundercat post: 12431471 said:
Your shaping is coming a'll long nicely Doc. I havn't reached out to any distributors yet. I've been able to shop take erything I make within about an hour of me. I've got a couple shops right in my town that buy about 80% of my work. The guy that owns them owns 2 more a couple hours away that are also going to start carrying my work so I think that is gonna keep me really busy.
You've got some good looking pieces. that need the home of a reliable retailer, a distributor would decrease your prices to be able to sell to a retailer.. You might try some shops that are farther away and maybe stumble into a shop like Thundercats....it only takes one.

Yea that was what i was doing cof just was asking. I was shipping them to LA so i can make a profit but they are flooded bad right now. I am just glade i dont do busyness with people i dont trust or i wouldnt still be on here if you know what i mean.
So everyone I am not much of a praying man and don't know if you all are. Tomorrow though I will be getting to make a call to see about private financing on the house that needs all that work and those that are say one for us please. My buddy stays busy and it has been hard waiting to just be able to know if it is an option. I just hope be wants to make some money and help an old freind that needs some help. After this winter being as trying as it was and all the crap we endured with landlords, family, and now friends over the last three years I am ready for a spot of our own.
I really thought things were going to work out but turned out my "best friend" ( his words too) had been mad at me since the bbq over off hand comments two people made. It all started when i let him read a message from my friend that came and picked up ten lb at harvest and had gotten two from him. One of the other massages on there said this only " picked up some bud in CO. It is better than so and so's but not as good as yours" he wanted to know if dude had a problem with his bud. I told him know he bought it didn't he? He still thinks that was him talking shit and not just him telling me what he had picked up like it was meant . Then turns out someone at the bbq said something about me teaching him how to grow and he took offence to that as well because " he has been doing it for a leaving longer"
Anyway first I knew things were off was when I told him about the seed deal and his face changed and he looked at me in a way I can't even put in to words really but hate was the closest I could come up with when we talked after the crap on here a couple weeks back. He told me it was because I didn't consult him when I got the offer but never said anything. I am sorry my but I have worked my garden around breeding for years now and got that because I go out and work at making contacts in the field I want to be in. I was staying with him for one grow at most and had always maintained I was not taken on breeding partner since I had come to OR. After that it was less then a week and we knew we were not wanted there and started looking for a place. Nothing was said about anything just started being a dick and by the day after new years he told me it was " crunch time" for us to find a house and I told him " you think I don't know that" as I had said they had not been discrete with there attitude but nothing was said then when we had a long talk. Wanted to know what was up and all that was give was really BS and he had to agree when I posses the truth in them. The last was lagit and he needed to flip so I cut another shit ton down and moved what was left. Mind you we when out of our way not to impose and where in the back yard to our selves and only had to use the bathroom and keep that to as little as possible. When I started picking up the glass at a good pace there where some not so nice comments that didn't make since at the time but knowing he was mad things make more since. All I wanted to do was so my friend what I was making and learning. Then we moved I got back on here as I was trying not to burden the internet there when the kids had school on it already. I started seeing ready crazy watly he had answered post about all the shit I had done so I looked at the farmer and it was IMO pretty much out right taking credit for my work and refrenceing people on here on the same page but going out of his way not to say mine. I am not going to lie for to mouth so I said something and you all saw how that turned out. I guess I didn't mean to go throughout it all like this but also am sick of my family getting the shit end of the stick. Worst part is is I knew not to go there and had told him three times I needed to just get a new place but I got " no man save your money so we can get land" and turned out when we where leaving to come to this house he had had a buyer the whole time and I had been driving us to look at land and buying weed I didn't need so he would have money to go to the bbq and pay bills. Had started looking like that was how that grow we were going to split was going to come out one side too. Keep in mind this is of course my side but is as always the truth and that I thing bothered us both. I saw some things done I called him on and said was wrong as i thing a real friend should be there to do. he goes out of the way to lie on here for his " online persona " as he called it. Just different on that one and it is a biggie for me.
I find my self wondering what great offince I have committed in my life to bring as much bull shit our way as has come. I have always tried to be a good pearson and treat people like you should. Have given of myself and my time over and over again never asking for anything out of it but to help. I dont lie, never cheated on my wife or even a girl friend for that matter. Hell worst thing in my closet is how I worked the system to get out of that unit in tx and the only thing I will lie about and that's only to my mom. I defiantly don't regret that and probably would not be a live if I hadn't because they were so chewed up they shot down a black hawk in training and killed three people. Two weeks after I fianly processed out the army stop lossed and l would have went to war with them so I am good with it still. All the we want is a place to call our own and that has proven to be a challenge our the past 14 years we have been together. Sorry to write such a long post but I am a bitdown about the way shit turned out and very much fell used. I was not given a counter when I told him that was the only reason I fell he would have lied for two months ether. If this fall's through I will be growing on someone else's place and that is just my constant optimism kickin in. Know one thing beat broken and down I still will not ever give up doing what I love.
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