S.A.G.E. stands for Sativa Afghani Genetic Equilibrium, it is a well balanced Haze crossed with a robust indica strain.

Unless Doc found some dank ass sage growing in the herb garden. ;)
You got it jig and it is not bad. How is your Christmas?
Fucking awesome. Hannah got a drum today and loves it. Got along with wife all day, and harvested about 400 seeds. Glad to hear from all my buds online. Wish I could swing by and give all the clan at payne farms a big christmas hug. You have a good one with everyone? I sure hope so.
Fucking awesome. Hannah got a drum today and loves it. Got along with wife all day, and harvested about 400 seeds. Glad to hear from all my buds online. Wish I could swing by and give all the clan at payne farms a big christmas hug. You have a good one with everyone? I sure hope so.
That is great bro! We had a nice day and some snow here too:)image.jpeg
Nice glass Doc! :clap::clap: I like the blue bowl (one of the few colors I can see) we'll talk later
about having you make me one but right now just wishing you and yours a merry Christmas.

Right on that is my first boro spoon and it smokes nice. Made me a hash pipe and need to get the wiring done so I can run the kiln.image.jpeg
Merry Christmas Guys!! Nice job on the glass Dr. its awesome seeing you jump right in like this.
I did work soft glass a bit about ten years ago too. That's why I have been wanting to get back at it. Going to start pumping out spoons for practice and to send to la where they pull way more money. Hopefully will have a 1920s fisher Bunsen burner in a few days to help burn shit in faster. Will have to invest in a 40mm when I get my oxygen the way I want it setup.
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Right on guys i am glade you all are digging them. I made a couple more now and gave Papapayne one. I have enough cobalt tube to do two more practice peaces and then i will start on some inside out ones with the high $ lab grade clear tube i bought.
Some marbles i made yesterday
IMG_20151228_093000.jpg IMG_20151228_093121.jpg
Made a cloner a few days ago and so far all are looking good.
Right on guys i am glade you all are digging them. I made a couple more now and gave Papapayne one. I have enough cobalt tube to do two more practice peaces and then i will start on some inside out ones with the high $ lab grade clear tube i bought.
Some marbles i made yesterday
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Made a cloner a few days ago and so far all are looking good.
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you got your own rig for blowing glass or are you doing it at a shop?