Doc's laboratory


Well-Known Member
They don't like people sending s33ds, clones, herb... selling, soliciting, etc. Also abuse of other members. Just letting you guys know. I for one don't want RIU to know my address, and I've been sent peoples addresses via PM. Just trying to watch out, take it as you will. I'm legal.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yes nice setup DR D! Thats a 600w in that room? holy cow. Im reading backwards to see for myself...LOL


Well-Known Member
yea a 600 i need to put all the stuff i have posted every where else on here. i have a lot of beans down seedlings started fem clones to sort and girls to pollinate.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Doc it really is turning into a lab. I seriously dont get how you can manage and keep track of whats what. I wish i could but damn i get lost in 10 clones.
Your line up is great. Glad to tag along :)


Well-Known Member
that 600w puts in a lot of work for you man, maybe it's time she got a bit of help lol.

i'm the same hydro, i took some clones of one of my blue pit "keepers" the other day, i'm sure it had balls lol!


Well-Known Member
Nah your pro ghb! haha
I snapped of a branch on my lemon skunk by "accident". Got two weeks left but already showing a bunch of cloudy through the microscope, even some amber more like a redwine color. That leaves me thinking what the fuck?
I read some of the guys talking about cheese being taken at 13 weeks and some 9. I thought thats pretty stupid, there must be a limited peak potency cant stretch for weeks. But can it?
Hope its okay doc i post a quick pic of the cut in question. Day 42 of usually 56 grown it a few times.
Edit: I thought the altering trichomes and peak potency where within 10 days. Whats your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
that looks good man . imo it is strain dependent dst talked about this with his cup entry the guy said to much clear but like mo's stump bud pics damn thing is brown and still had clear trichs.
:bigjoint:smoke it and find out :bigjoint:oh and the same some plants have a long window and some like c99 it is 53 days they say


Hi all, I wanted to stop in and introduce myself... I'm enjoying all the different ops, and I'll be fleshing out a thread I just started about my own grow.

Meantime, I would like to ask those who have vertical light movers, how do you like them? If you had it to do over again, how would you go about it? I'm kicking a few designs around and just wanted to see what others had done...

Thanks, I hope to see you around!


Well-Known Member
I like the mover setup, wouldn't change anything about it, for now. Im finding a travel distance of 10"-15" is good, about the size of the bulb itself.

Hey Doc, hope you get your internet back soon enough.


Well-Known Member
tell me about it took me a few days to catch him after i had paid my rent an he started stuttering and then had to wait for a tech to come out. i will have a video up when the lights come on


Well-Known Member
Nice waiting music! Never hear stuff like that when your number 12 in line :/
Hope things get sorted soon doc! Dont like you being mia :)