Docs now saying pot is bad studies say

I guess I was referring to the ‘docs saying it’s bad’ studies they’re using to form their opinion - not ones I’ve read. Everything I’ve read suggests that at worst it’ll expose issues you already had.
Because it's against federal law it's bad. If it was removed they'd see it more like alcohol which is absolutely not therapeutic. But it's legal and socially acceptable.
I do think there might be a bit more positive look at cannabis vs alcohol medically once it’s federally legal. Not smoking it though.
Name one thing that you like that is actually good for you. I can’t think of anything I like that is actually good for you.
Water. And weed.
water yes. Not sure what doc will say about weed. My list of things I like but all bad my doctor said as he handed me my prescription for high blood pressure and heart medications, salt, salt, salt. Said it three times because I really like salt. Soda, bread, pasta- and anything with pasta in it. Sugar,Whiskey, beer. Cereal, sure their was more but was feeling faint
water yes. Not sure what doc will say about weed. My list of things I like but all bad my doctor said as he handed me my prescription for high blood pressure and heart medications, salt, salt, salt. Said it three times because I really like salt. Soda, bread, pasta- and anything with pasta in it. Sugar,Whiskey, beer. Cereal, sure their was more but was feeling faint

Weed keeps me (and those around me) without weed = unhealthy for everyone.

Seriously though, nothing is all good or alp bad. It's a balance. And cannabis is a lot more effective at managing my mental health symptoms than the various pharmaceuticals I'd been cycled through when young. And without and of the horrible side-effects mind you. Not saying it's the best option for everyone, but it's the best option for me and I consider it medicine regardless of what anyone says or thinks. It gets me out of the house, and allows me to be a productive, working, tax-paying member of society. Can't say the same for the 6-7 different pills docs pushed on me.....
If you're smoking - its no good for your lungs. But everything is a trade off. everything costs. diferent strains can have diferent effects and diferent people can respond diferently. i know weed can fuck up peoples minds, their short term memroy, psychosis and all of that. its a plant to be understood and then used with respect..
water yes. Not sure what doc will say about weed. My list of things I like but all bad my doctor said as he handed me my prescription for high blood pressure and heart medications, salt, salt, salt. Said it three times because I really like salt. Soda, bread, pasta- and anything with pasta in it. Sugar,Whiskey, beer. Cereal, sure their was more but was feeling faint
Both of my doctors just say "You're vaping it right?"

Which I've been doing anyways for years now.

They do say to limit alcoholic drinks though. And that they see more health problems with beer drinkers than whiskey and other drinks.
I just saw a report yesterday, stating Cannabis helps people with Autism. I'll have to find the link again.

Special Report on CNN last night had Dr. Sanjay Gupta doing Weed 6 and it was titled 'Marijuana and Autism' As I have an autistic grandson using pot high in CBD it was interesting to watch.

He's 17 now and grows peyote cactus and meat eating plants like honeydews etc. A few years ago my son was giving him CBD and the ex sicced the cops on him but about 2 years ago she went to court for the right to give him pot for his autism. Has since apologized but I don't trust her as far as I could throw her and she's not a small woman. Separated from her 2nd husband now.

I get along great with him and probably spent more time with him on my last trip out to BC in Oct than I've been able to since he was born. I can at least understand half the technical stuff he goes on about where everybody else hasn't a clue. He's planning on growing some pot soon too.

I've had my medical for about 7 years now but my doc has moved to BC and don't know if I'll be able to get a renewal thru a regular doc or have to resort to a Skype doc or a pot clinic. I have 12g/day now and would like to keep that going. Wife has one for 6g/day.

Weed keeps me (and those around me) without weed = unhealthy for everyone.

Seriously though, nothing is all good or alp bad. It's a balance. And cannabis is a lot more effective at managing my mental health symptoms than the various pharmaceuticals I'd been cycled through when young. And without and of the horrible side-effects mind you. Not saying it's the best option for everyone, but it's the best option for me and I consider it medicine regardless of what anyone says or thinks. It gets me out of the house, and allows me to be a productive, working, tax-paying member of society. Can't say the same for the 6-7 different pills docs pushed on me.....

One of my medical reasons for getting a med permit is chronic depression/PTSD and the other is arthritis. Gave up the pharma meds 15 years ago and credit pot with keeping me from eating my shotgun so far. Wife's is for tumours in her liver that have shrunk a lot since taking RSO daily. Shrunk my prostate down to 55cc from 75cc as well so the urologist is amazed and says it's not cancer after 3 years of wondering. That and quitting the booze last May has my mental condition greatly improved this Xmas which is usually my darkest days. Micro-dosing 'shrooms has also had a positive impact.

Cigs got to go next.

Yes, until it's legalized at the federal level in the U.S.A. nobody is going to risk any time, data, money or research on anything meaningful regarding cannabis research and if they did, publishing it would be the end of that program. All information from there is anecdotal at best. Some is useful in a given set of circumstances with some people, but nothing really quantifiable. I'm not saying it doesn't work, just it's rather a lot of local stories, myths, wives tales, yarns and related impressions and experiences from everyday users. Legalized federally would open the doors for research and banking without the government interfering at the basic level without assets being seized.