Doctors in Manitoba ? Are there any who help?


My Dr. who was great passed away awhile ago. Now I cannot find a new doctor who is willing to help me renew my MMAR. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm in for a LONG search
you wont be able to renew your MMAR but check into it still being able to be used because of the court case ongoing about MMAR. In the mean time if you have no grow rights under MMAR and just posses a ATP, you could use a Skype doc but of course there's cost to that and a few documents hoops that you have to provide. your other option is ask your new GP to renew your MMAR through MMPR with a LP. Because it's still going through the courts I would not personally give up your MMAR documents to any LP.... just get your new doc to fill out the particular LP's paperwork.

Not at all confusing eh with two systems still active.... well one sort half assed (LP) and the old one(MMAR) half working
Thanks, Jackal I first have to find a Dr. who is taking new patients but I'll check into the info you gave. again thank you for your help.
no problem hope you can get a local doctor first, as everyone should have a GP at all times even if they are not MMJ pro doctors, but let them know about how it's helped you and why you really need to get them to sign... it may change their mind because of pre-history taking MMJ

just ensure your supply doesn't get low, but BM may help (I don't recommend only as last resort but your MMAR ATP will help with the possession issues) any compassion clubs in your area of mb?
I haven't found any compassion clubs here, just the LP's. My DG is not reliable so I'm already out, just got to hang on, hurry up and wait.Later
Skype is the option for those who can`t find a doctor in their area. It will cost about $400 and the sending of your medical records. There are a few clinics. Green Leaf is one of them. Look it up. I hope this helps.