Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal


Well-Known Member
I can not wait to post pix of Sensi Star girl tomorrow! She is actually growing her first real set of leaves! She is a total midget at about 2/3 of an inch tall but looking like she is goin to be fine!

Other girls are smokin hot! I really can not wait until the new camera gets here tomorrow. Hopefully the zoom works well enough to post pics of her purple!



Well-Known Member
Feminized seeds very often can go Hermie even though no stress or light was part of the equation. Just keep a careful eye out.


Well-Known Member
I just do not freaking understand what is going on here. This am when I woke up I noticed a little bit of yellowing in Stella and Rocky. It was a very little bit so I decided to let it wait until The Hubby got home as my back is still hurting a bit and I didnlt really think it was anything to worry about.

Well apparently I am not really going to learn from any old mistakes I am jjust going to make more.
I honestly did not know I was buying a "Soil Less" Mix, I did not even know there was such a darn thing to b honest. I started my first girls in Dollar general $3 a bag potting mix and they actually were doing great! I decided to start researching how to grow and everything under the sun is going wrong! HOW can I grow bagseed in DG with no real issues but I can not grow DNA Genetics in Sunshine Mix????

So now I am going to have to figure out Why my PH is so high all of a sudden and why it is killing my sprouts while I try and figure out what to do about it. I am stuck at home right now so I can not get anything for the problem.

I posted my problem under newbs and all I got was a suggestion to go back to regular dirt, I thought I was on dirt till like 2 weeks ago!!!!!!!!

I am seriously annoyed right now and seriously considering sending The Hubby to Dollar General for some damn dirt!!!!!!!!!

There is todays update. Who knows if these things will survive the night!!!

I am going back to dirt, just have no idea what dirt.. Is Fox Farm a dirt or a soil less mix??? UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I cant find it anywhere around here. The hubby just came home with PoMix seedling and potting... I know I need to switch grow mediums now to get my PH to come down so ProMix it is...

Its funny before I started trying to figure out what I was doing I was really enjoying myself. If these plants don't make it, I am going to try a round of plain old soil and CFLS. I really want to go CMH at some point but I have to get the soil part down before I can even think about that.....


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, first let me apologize for my rant earlier. I have been in a lot of pain for a few days now and lets be honest, I just kind of went into super cunt mode for a little while.

So here we go the oldest girl in the pics is 1 week old and the others are 5 & 6. You are also going to get blessed with a picture of our challenged little Sensi Star girl whom we are FINALLY going to name now that it looks like she might pull thru! She is sooooo tiny!! I am really hoping she does not stay that way forever but It's cute right now.

You will see the nute problem I am having (nute, Ph whats the diff) I am still not sure what the problem is but I transplanted them from the sunshine mix #8 to Pro-mix seedling and potting mix, which is going to be my new medium if all works out well.

I did not want to flush this young but I got to say there was a ton more root growth than I thought there would be so I gave a very very weakened nute solution hoping it would help things along.

Here are a few pics! Enjoy!!View attachment 1010832dscf0012.jpgView attachment 1010847View attachment 1010859dscf0019.jpgdscf0021.jpg

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Leave them alone they look fine. Stop being such a mother. I drop mine bend and break them. let them wilt. They are very hearty. You're doing fine.


Nvm. I thought you were using the 2700K for vegging as it stated in the beginning of the post but I see now you said later in the post you are using the 6500K for vegging :) I was going to say you might want to switch it but I think you just made a typ-O! GL, I think the ladies will be fine


Well-Known Member
LoL Pit, yes Typo
Cant remember who asked but here is a picture of Sensi Star girl in her FOUR INCH pot and one of the other girls in her TEN INCH Pot. Remember for all intents and purposes these girls are the same age!!

CRAP! cant get anything to load right now but just go back to the other pics and check out Sensi. She is only in the 2nd pic, all other pix are the other girls.... More 2 come Later.....



Well-Known Member
Her this y Everyone! Things seem to be going better this evening...

I wonder if they look "Right" My only other grow was bag seed and it was terribly stretched from jump so it never had the "Bushy" or "Leafy" look that these do.

The first pic is Star, she is now in the same size pot as the other girls. You can definitely see her miniature status now!
Here are a few pics that upon uploading realized I only took pics of Star and Rocky and Stella, I forgot Charlie tonight... Poor Girl, neglect...

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Havin trouble gettin pics to load again.....


Well-Known Member
Here we are at day 10 since arrival of my new seeds! Odd, it seems like longer as I have had more issues (PH, Stuck Seeds) with this little grow than I had for the 1st 6 weeks of the last grow that had 20 plants in it before I killed off males and scragglers. Well, I guess the question there is, if you do not KNOW you have a problem, Do you have a problem???

Not a lot to update, nothing has changed except the ProMix replaced the Sunshine Mix and I used Jacks Classic All Purpose Nutes diluted to 1/8 normal strength. I know that nutes are not necessarily recommended this early but during the transplant phase I was floored by the size of the root mass and decided to go for it.

Enjoy the pics!!! I am getting to know my new camera, I am sure the amount of pics will slow up when I get bored with it LoL

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New Member
They look really good stop worrying so much its really nothing, I had many seedlings look way worse then that come out to be great plants. Just don't play with them very much and just let them go for a good 2 or 3 more weeks then give them some food with a high nitrogen ratio. When you start to see the bottom leaves turning to yellow and/or the whole plant become a pale color green then you know they need that nitrogen then start them on their feeding program. It is very easy to recover from nutrient deficiency, however it is much more difficult on the plants to recover from too much nutes - in a sense a plant never makes up for being over nuted because the damage that is done is in a sense permanent however they can do just fine and grow healthy from then on out if it corrected. especially nitrogen in veg so just be gentle with the food and let them show you when they are hungry with classic signs of nitrogen deficiency.

And for your question about your bagseed growing much better, this is very good intuition on your part you are a great observer...Feminized seeds tend to produce plants that are slightly lacking in vigor when compared to a plant that is is from a normal seed and this is especially noticeable in this early stage, not to worry though, if your plants are F1/F2 (which they are) they will still be amazing plants and you don't have to worry about males so much this way so it really is a toss up. I have come to the conclusion that it is better not to waste time and resource on male plants so when growing from seeds I like to go with feminized - still I am on the fence about this as its really not good for the cannabis species in a sense to use feminized seeds (from their POV). It is also just not a good idea to mess with bagseed because with bagseed you never know what your going to get even if you have 100 seeds from the same bud/bag half of them could be terrible genetics.

I will be following along your thread I am still learning a lot myself and hopefully I can learn some stuff from you and vice versa. Glad to see someone with such good observation and intuition growing and somone who really cares about their plants, you will do well.


New Member
curious what is your temps like in there and hows yer ventilation setup, I had a simuliar setup on my first grow ended up cooking the plants not enough ventilation and the emergency blanket stuff turned it into an oven one day.


Well-Known Member
Temps stay right at 75-78, there is a central air vent right beside the closet that I shut off at night but leave open in the day. This is not my perm set up, they are moving to a larger closet in my spare bedroom next month.

I have some back issues and can not always do what I want, when I want so I have to wait until my hubby is on vaca to help me finish cleaning the room as we had thrips in there and a hermie last grow and I want the entire room sanitized!

I am wondering if anyone has ever had an issue with a plant not stretching enough... My Rocklock looks to be starting on her 4th node and is only about 2 inches tall! She is 1 short and bushy little girl... Might post about this in the growing forum later.... Depends on research...



Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone, Nightly update time. I did say at the start of this rambling mess of a journal that I would type something daily....

Todays feature girl is my pride and joy "Rocky" She is 10 days old today! She is a bit on the short side, coming in at just 2 inches tall and although I could be wrong because my first girls were very very stretched I think she is trying to start growing her 4th node! All of her leaves are very very close together so much so that I think maybe I SHOULD stretch her.

Anyway here are some pics... Enjoy!1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg