at homedepot or whatever hardware store they sell widow screens in all sizes u could build ureself a nice lil dryin cab really cheap
Great ideas guys! Very creative. If I don't use the other tote I bought for a cloner, I'll give it a try.
I'm posting new pics later tonight, but I wanted to tell you guys, my Train Wreck, has a twin! Another little sprout came up beside her! It's my first one. It should also be female, right? I'm gonna try and relocate her, before the roots tangle together (if they haven't already). But I'll get a shot of them, before i do. They have names now - Kim (older twin) and Andrea! hehe
EDIT: Went ahead and seperated them, I believe it was a success. The entire root came out, with Andrea - it's still small - and that's what I was hoping for. Didn't disturb Kim at all. Here's a couple before and after pics. After reading rather depressing threads on this phenomenon, I hope the little tyke survives!
Hey cruzer, glad you stopped by! Yeah the twin was two sprouts out of one seed, searching the forum it does happen occassionally I guess, but a lot of times it seems that the weaker sprout doesn't make it, or if it does, is male. But that is from regular seeds - this one was feminized. So I'm hoping they are both girls.Hi Doe,
Boy you got a lot going on.
I was wondering about your twin, Very cool, that was from one seed huh? Never heard of that happening. .
Brown perlite?
Sounds like you got soil in it. If mixed with vermiculite it will take on a grayish tone but not brown.
Did you start it in a jiffy cube? That may be it.
Lacygirl had a pretty good idea there with that cardboard/mylar cover. Not only blocks the light to the roots but probably cuts down on humidity. I am gonna try it on my next mini hempy.
Oh and I also appreciate the occasional pair of breasts or heart-shaped ass
Actually both.
Hey I missed your post somehow. I don't think so, the roots didn't seem attatched to each other when I pulled it out. Everything I've read suggests the seed itself actually had twin embryo's. I don't know why the smaller one would take an extra week to pop.Woa! So you had a single TW seedling going and all of a sudden another sprouts from the same seed/plant? I imagine it had to grow off the roots of the initial plant or something???
Absolutely, positively, 100% sure. I never reuse my soil. Also, I wanted 18 plants for this grow, planted 18 seeds - and when five failed, planted the last two I had left. All in their own container (the small pots were brand new too, never been used). The seeds that didn't grow I dug out to see if anything was happening - found each one - and threw them away. No way, no how, was there another seed in there.Are you sure you didn't just accidentaly drop a seed in there or reused soil from a seedling you thought didn't sprout?
Hey I missed your post somehow. I don't think so, the roots didn't seem attatched to each other when I pulled it out. Everything I've read suggests the seed itself actually had twin embryo's. I don't know why the smaller one would take an extra week to pop.
Absolutely, positively, 100% sure. I never reuse my soil. Also, I wanted 18 plants for this grow, planted 18 seeds - and when five failed, planted the last two I had left. All in their own container (the small pots were brand new too, never been used). The seeds that didn't grow I dug out to see if anything was happening - found each one - and threw them away. No way, no how, was there another seed in there.
Cool, love to see a pic of her!gurl thats crazy...mary does some crazy shit sometimes..i have an auto topped mazar..she sprouted her false set of leaves and then out of nowhere two full individual tops came out of basically i have a mazar that is a naturally conjoined twin...its currently in veg sometimes one twin starts to beat the other one in growth rate but then it catches up....i wonder if i'll get a yeild increase..i'll take some pics to show u its really cool
Seriously, four weeks! What you been feeding her? That's one big bitch for four weeks!i think one of the twins will out run the other i call the big one the evil twin she wont share the light with her sister what a
lets all say a prayer that shes a she and we will see what happens
that rhinos only at 4 weeks