I would love your opinions, guys and gals, on two different issues here - I'll ask as I go along. Appreciate the advice, as always!
The Chronic babies are doing great - aside from 100% germination, all of them appear to be strong, healthy babies thus far. Makes me feel a little better about the cost of the beans! lol Moved them into soil, man they are drinking water fast! Already starting on a second set of leaves.
Attack of the clones! Not really, lol. One still has no roots, I'm thinking it may not take, and that's ok. Four out of five successfully rooted cuttings, tops no less, off of three week old plants - proves to me that the Stinkbud cloner works wonders! I've got pretty decent roots on them now - they look like they might be getting hungry, what to do? Add mild nutes to the water, or spray them? Still debating if I want to plant three or four of them. Basically, wether or no I want to add them to the current vegging ladies, or do four as a grow by themselves - I believe I would have a light available for them.
My Hempy's. I topped the SLH, it's still not doing amazing, but it's ok, so on she goes. The little twin, however - she just isn't thriving. Look how tiny she is still - like a mini weed plant. I've read that the smaller twin doesn't usually make it, I see why. It is still growing - but I don't know that I want to take up a spot on this grow for such a tiny plant. So I might put her down. Could either replace her with a clone, or maybe try the auto seed I got last order - Sweet Deep Grapefruit, I think, without looking - and supposed to be a 60 day plant, start to finish. Still debating.
On to my vegging smorgasboard. They are doing great, amybe too good, lol. Now I am seeing the biggest difference between the CFL's, and the MH light. Under the CFL's, I wouldn't see this size until eight weeks! So - the first question for you guys! They are already about a foot tall, at five and a half weeks! Would you flower at six weeks then? Or still let them go to eight? I don't know - would that just make them harder to flower, penetration wise, or more bud?
My Lemon Skunk clones are doing great! These are the first plants I haven't topped in awhile, so it's interesting to see the difference in how the bud grows. Speaking of clones - I've seen a couple different people on the forums now, saying clones produce less bud, than a plant from seed - true or false?
Lastly - my big girls. I only got the one pic of them tonight - hubby is asleep, and he stashed my camera's battery charger somewhere. But it is here I have my second question. See the plant in the back right corner? The colas on that plant, though the pics don't really show, are
two to three times larger, that the other three plants! Now - there are only three things about this plant that were different than the rest, and I want your guys' opinions, on which you think is the reason why - because I would really love to duplicate this, obviously. So! The differences:
1. This plant was bushier than the rest, all through vegging. So genetics, I guess.
2. She was the one directly under the HPS light for the first three weeks of flowering.
3. This plant is the one I took about
ten clones off of, when trying out the soil cloner I made - so trimming?
So which of these do you think made her have the biggest colas?
Lastly - smoke report for that Lemon Skunk. Very nice! Burning, it has a mild lemony ganja scent, and a smooth, mild taste - definately different than other strains I've tried. The high is a bit of a creeper. It seems to only take 2 -3 good hits, for everyone who's tried it, to get a great stone. We all agree, it's a nice, mellow, relaxing stone - very pleasant. Doesn't have the same "knock you on your ass" effect as say Train Wreck or Widow, but it's definately a nice high!