Does a fish tank bubbler quicken the chlorine evaporation?

Does a fish tank bubbler quicken the chlorine evaporation?

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i had some well water sitting in gallon water jugs. the one that i had that was half full changed ph over the course of a few days, while the ones that were full stayed the same, so was kind of wondering that myself. i also have tried using an air stone over the course of 24 hrs, i wrote down my numbers before and after. ph before was 7.75, ph after 24hrs bubbling with an airstone was 8.5, so you arent alone on that.
I grow in coco/perlite and all I use it water from the garden hose, normally have a ph of 7-7.5. Add nutrients to water makes it drop to 5.5 and I use pH up to 5.9-6.2
Never used ppm meter and never face any problems to do with my water.
Bit of info I found on off gassing

"Dissolved gases are another part of the taste. As water sits out, small amounts of carbon dioxide dissolve into the water. This forms carbonic acid, which may lower the pH just slightly. Tiny amounts of other gases, like acetone and aldehydes, may dissolve in, too. “It’s very difficult to have a pure water sample for long,” says Richardson, who would know because she has to use completely pure water in her research. Leave purified water out for even 30 minutes, and it quickly becomes impure. “It’ll drive me nuts in my lab,” she says. Temperature plays another indirect role, too: Cold water generally holds more dissolved gases. Additionally, some oxygen may dissolve out of the water over time.

But if you start leaving your water out for days and days, then, finally, microbes enter the equation. Algae make earthy-smelling molecules like geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, to which the human nose is incredibly sensitive. Geosmin, incidentally, also gives rainstorms their post-rain aroma and catfish their muddy taste."
I grow in coco/perlite and all I use it water from the garden hose, normally have a ph of 7-7.5. Add nutrients to water makes it drop to 5.5 and I use pH up to 5.9-6.2
Never used ppm meter and never face any problems to do with my water.
Pretty Much what happened when I use
General Hydroponics Flora Series
Have you ever tried the new PH perfect nutes that are out there now?