Does a normal 10-30-20 contain cal?


Well-Known Member
I bought a big bag of blue 10-30-20 and im wondering if it contains calcium?
I dont know the brand but its a big bag probly 25 pounds. what would a calcium def. look like?


Well-Known Member
its sunshine sumthing. im not to sure
I have this site saved to my favorites It has pictures of all kinds of problems categorized. It's a good way to diagnose problems.

I'm not sure what fert you're using, and I'm still a newbie on my first grow. But I'm kind of an advanced newbie.

The liquid ferts all list the major & minor nutes that they carry. I would assume that the solid ferts do as well. So if it doesn't list Calcium then I would doubt that it has any.

I did some research on nutes trying to find one with all the minor nutes. The only one I found is Dyna-Gro But it's a chemical based nute. That means it doesn't have to be broken down in soil before your plants can absorb them. It also means you can't use organic nutes if you use any chemical nute. As I understand it, they work against each other and cancell each other out.

I beleive Cal-Mag has calcium, but I'm not sure if it's organic or chemical.

Calcium is one of the minor nutes that's hard to find in a fert. Sulpher is another hard one to find.

Hope that helps some.


I have never seen a dry nute that didn't contain micro-nutes in my 21 years of growing. maybe they exist but I would bet against it.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a dry nute that didn't contain micro-nutes in my 21 years of growing. maybe they exist but I would bet against it.
Ok thats good. I was just wondering because jacks super bloom doesnt carry any calcium. This stuff i got is just 10-30-20 from the hyrdo store


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a dry nute that didn't contain micro-nutes in my 21 years of growing. maybe they exist but I would bet against it.
It may have minor nutes, but that doesn't mean that it has calcium specifically. There are 9 minor nutes, and calcium, sulpher, & molybdenum are hard to find in ferts.


Well-Known Member
well it has sulpher i can remember. There is rain drop designs on the bag.. and its blue. I dont have it with me but i cant remember if it had calcium. Nothing is going wrong with them, i just dont want a problem two weeks down the road.. Would there be a problem right NOW if they havent got calcium. Or would it show up later?


Well-Known Member
well it has sulpher i can remember. There is rain drop designs on the bag.. and its blue. I dont have it with me but i cant remember if it had calcium. Nothing is going wrong with them, i just dont want a problem two weeks down the road.. Would there be a problem right NOW if they havent got calcium. Or would it show up later?
I'm really not sure. I'm growing in FFOF and I haven't had a minor nute deficiency yet.

However, when I fed them a little Tiger Bloom which has all but 3 of the minor nutes, they shot up like you wouldn't beleive. So I try to give them minor nutes from time to time to try to improve on growth.

It probably has to do a lot with the strain, whether or not you'll see a minor nute deficiency if you don't give it a particular minor nute. Finding ferts with the minor nutes that your current ferts are missing is a good idea regardless for over all growth. But I wouldn't worry about a minor nute deficiency unless one showed up.


Well-Known Member
I'm really not sure. I'm growing in FFOF and I haven't had a minor nute deficiency yet.

However, when I fed them a little Tiger Bloom which has all but 3 of the minor nutes, they shot up like you wouldn't beleive. So I try to give them minor nutes from time to time to try to improve on growth.

It probably has to do a lot with the strain, whether or not you'll see a minor nute deficiency if you don't give it a particular minor nute. Finding ferts with the minor nutes that your current ferts are missing is a good idea regardless for over all growth. But I wouldn't worry about a minor nute deficiency unless one showed up.
Yea i was going to add some micro to the mix. some General Hydro micro.


Well-Known Member
DynaGro Bloom has calcium, it is a 1-3-2 ratio chem fert and is the only fert/nute Iknow of that has ALL of the 16 required micro/macro nutes

but also I add dolomite lime to my soil which has mag/cal as well


Well-Known Member
Yea i was going to add some micro to the mix. would 12-60-50
Add Micro? You mean micro organisms?

Mycorrhiza is great for growth. You're roots will start growing overtime, and as your roots grow bigger, your folliage will start growing faster. And you'll end up with bigger buds.

Don't use the stuff from the grow stores though. Just a bunch of advertising mumbo jumbo to try to sell some overpriced junk.

Go to your nursery and ask them which one they use. I'm using MYKEs tree & shrub transplanter & I can recommend that one from experience. And it's only $13 a qt & $25 for 3 qts.

You'll need to add less nutes and you'll have bigger plants. But get ready to start transplanting them. I didn't treat till the 3rd week, I'm in the 8th week, and I'm transplanting into 10gal containers. If you start from day one, you'll need 15gal to 20gal containers by the time you flower.


Well-Known Member
I think he's using organics riddleme. That's a good fert though if you're using chemical nutes, but I wouldn't mix chemical & organic.


Well-Known Member
Add Micro? You mean micro organisms?

Mycorrhiza is great for growth. You're roots will start growing overtime, and as your roots grow bigger, your folliage will start growing faster. And you'll end up with bigger buds.

Don't use the stuff from the grow stores though. Just a bunch of advertising mumbo jumbo to try to sell some overpriced junk.

Go to your nursery and ask them which one they use. I'm using MYKEs tree & shrub transplanter & I can recommend that one from experience. And it's only $13 a qt & $25 for 3 qts.

You'll need to add less nutes and you'll have bigger plants. But get ready to start transplanting them. I didn't treat till the 3rd week, I'm in the 8th week, and I'm transplanting into 10gal containers. If you start from day one, you'll need 15gal to 20gal containers by the time you flower.
well im in two gallon grow bags. they were vegged for two weeks. They flower for 7-8 weeks. Its a soilless mix. I dont see roots growing out the bottom so its all good. i think 150 20 gallon pots would be retard and maybe for outdoor


Well-Known Member
well im in two gallon grow bags. they were vegged for two weeks. They flower for 7-8 weeks. Its a soilless mix. I dont see roots growing out the bottom so its all good. i think 150 20 gallon pots would be retard and maybe for outdoor
Wow, that's a lot of plants.

I didn't know that you weren't growing in soil. If you using chemical ferts, then Dyna-Gro would give you all the minor nutes.

I also just got a link to a thread. The Mycorrhiza I'm using works well in soil, but there are other beneficial fungi that work better in soil less. I just started reading the thread so I can't tell you much. But it was written by Uncle Ben who's kind a guru in these parts. You might want to check it out when you have a few hourse to read it all....


Well-Known Member
its funny cause im using dry fert and chem fert. 10-30-20 mix with kushie kush,hydroboost,diamondnectar,koolbloom,karbo boost,koool bloom, rhinoskin. I use the kool bloom and karbo boost and mixed with the 10-30-20 and diamond nectar and half strenght rhinoskin(after week 4). in the start (week 1-4)i use kushie kush and hydroboost mixed with diamond nectar and 10-30-20 and rhinoskin.. im going to add a few table spoons of GH micro in the mix to balance out everything. But i think the 10-30-20 contains all the nutes but since im adding bloom boost and more P and K from differnt sources with only mg as secondary. I think it would be better if the extra micro was there