does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

Luckily, there's a place conservatives can call home. Where religion comes first, government is small, enterprise is free, taxes are low, gun rights are protected and "socialists" aren't tightening their grip on society. It's called Somalia, and you can go there whenever you're ready. If you were to look at a map of the Red and Blue states on the last pres election map, and compare that to a map showing the average level of adult intelligence, you'd see a very direct correlation. Conservatives, just need to follow the smarter states to victory!!


Well-Known Member
OK, so if there was a priest in a porn forum, and they were on there trying to get pictures of little boys, wouldn't people pick out the ridiculousness immediately? Oops, bad analogy. If someone started a thread typing does any of you conservatives have the big enuf brain too debate me? people would have called bullshit immediatly and you know it! Just face it Republicans, you have a white trash image problem. Don't be surprised because you worked very hard to earn it.
Sometimes I wonder if the libs on here are bad parodies, but unfortunately they are just genuinely stupid.


Well-Known Member
never said he was smart. i said he was successful.
in any other forum i would have been wise to him, but something about all these perpetually stoned neoconservatives at RIU brings about lots of stupidity, fallacious logic, and dreadful grammar. so i bought it at first. *shrug*
And I never said you said he was smart.


Well-Known Member
Luckily, there's a place conservatives can call home. Where religion comes first, government is small, enterprise is free, taxes are low, gun rights are protected and "socialists" aren't tightening their grip on society. It's called Somalia, and you can go there whenever you're ready. If you were to look at a map of the Red and Blue states on the last pres election map, and compare that to a map showing the average level of adult intelligence, you'd see a very direct correlation. Conservatives, just need to follow the smarter states to victory!!
Add luckily theres a place libs can call home...its called cuba. I can see you are a big fan of communism.
Dude, you are seriously retarded. You have 4 consecutive posts where all you did is call people stupid. I bet your another Lefty trying to fool everyone, because there's no way even a Republican could really be posting as many factless disjointed wannabe insults as you can. Let's see some facts, I can show facts that will destroy ANY conservative argument. That's why it Liberals are more intelligent-because a Democrat proves their right, and a Republican will buy any fairy tale the party will sell them(and since most of the party are mouth breathing evangelicals and mormons, that doesn;t leave very many fairy tales out) that go together...please explain.


Well-Known Member
factless disjointed wannabe insults
Oh you mean like these
Dude, you are seriously retarded. .. I bet your another Lefty trying to fool everyone,
Luckily, there's a place conservatives can call home. Where religion comes first, government is small, enterprise is free, taxes are low, gun rights are protected and "socialists" aren't tightening their grip on society. It's called Somalia, and you can go there whenever you're ready. If you were to look at a map of the Red and Blue states on the last pres election map, and compare that to a map showing the average level of adult intelligence, you'd see a very direct correlation. Conservatives, just need to follow the smarter states to victory!!

Let's see some facts
some facts about what, tard? And I'm not a republican, thanks.


Active Member
he must be growing some pretty fucked dirt weed. cant figure out why else he's always pissing and moaning. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
i project... from my projection machine onto my wall.. gr8 television watching trust that... as far as libs rights and conservitives or the rest your all wrong.. revolution is where its at...


Well-Known Member
lets give him more then 8 months to pull us out of 8 yrs of hole digging thats all im sayin.. but i agree revoke welfare social services let natural selection take its course..

Cloud City

New Member
Exactly, lets all just give the man a chance! President Obama has 2 wars to end and an economy to fix before that giant hole Bush dug is filled. So for being in office less than a year hes doing good and has been a breath of fresh air after the last administration. I didnt vote for him but right now this country really needs someone like President Obama who we can all come together and stand behind weather we are Liberal, Conservative or Independent.


Well-Known Member
All Obama has done is insure that the dollar will collapse, and give a bunch of taxpayer money to banks, and other private industry.

Cloud City

New Member
Time for a reality check for you Obama Derangement Sufferers - So far President Obama has turned around the economy, is ending Bush's wars, trying to get health care to those who don't have it, and to top it off he has even told the feds to stop busting medical marijuana users! Now althought Im a far right Conservative who voted for McCain I can still see that President Obama is a good man who loves his country and he has my support 100%.