• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?


Well-Known Member
well you're doing a great job of stringing JO along...but thats slightly less difficult than picking out one's belly button lint.
Just how is the troll stringing me along?

Unless you are buying this.... Which means you were suckered in. Oops! :o
what a hypocrite you are
And what a crybaby you are. Jumping threads like a jackrabbit. You were bested there. My advice: Leave it there.

I came here to engage the troll, not some sniveling weasel from another thread. So if you don't mind....


Well-Known Member
Home Depot pays its HR managers 45-65K a year, unless your THE HR Manager for the entire company ( Which they make sure those people can spell and know how to use spell check). Not calling BS, your massive rental properties probably bring in the other 35-55k a year.

FWIW the place where I take a shit is worth more than your Escalade.

Im not a LEfty or a libby and i don't care for Obama one bit, but Libs you need to learn to debate a bit better and stop taking opposing viewpoints as personal attacks and then filling the rest of your Diatribe with Hate and Vitriol.


Active Member
Just how is the troll stringing me along?

Unless you are buying this.... Which means you were suckered in. Oops! :o
by declaring that he represents all progressives you are also a petty troll.
he strung you into taking such a fallacious and predictable position...and he did it in such an obvious and clumsy fashion too.

And what a crybaby you are. Jumping threads like a jackrabbit. You were bested there. My advice: Leave it there.
no, you intentionally ignored the point to save face. thats why you're a hypocrite.

I came here to engage the troll, not some sniveling weasel from another thread. So if you don't mind....
and i too am engaging a troll. fun isnt it?


Well-Known Member
by declaring that he represents all progressives you are also a petty troll.
he strung you into taking such a fallacious and predictable position...and he did it in such an obvious and clumsy fashion too.

no, you intentionally ignored the point to save face. thats why you're a hypocrite.

and i too am engaging a troll. fun isnt it?
I have lurked around Progressive sites enough to make such a determination. And I personally have heard enough idle chatter in Democratic circles to make such a statement with confidence. It is a common sentiment. The contempt displayed by Progressives toward Conservatives is no secret. Even Candidate Obama did it when he thought he was in a friendly audience. Clinging to god and guns remember?

Did I state all Progressives did this? No I did not. That's merely what you desperately wanted me to write, but I disappointed you. Don't worry, Republicans do the same thing. Please note I did not say all Republicans.

Why don't you go back to the other thread and bray on. It's very entertaining.

I don't fight battles I've already won.

Do you even know the definition of a troll in this context?

I scoff in your general direction.


Active Member
What's so sad is probably 70% of the people who voted for him couldn't tell you what a liberal is. All the men in my family including myself have served this country in battle. So I understand what the Flag stands for and the blood that was shed to defend it. I would bet that 70% I mentioned could care less about our flag. That's why they voted for a man that could care less about this country. I have to say I love saying "I told you so.


Well-Known Member
its inbred low iq rednecks like the op that i hope to run into at bars cause they always wanna fight lol till they get their ass kicked then hop into their beat up chevy to go home smack the wife(also their 1st cousin) around kick the dog and fuck the sheep...



Active Member
What's so sad is probably 70% of the people who voted for him couldn't tell you what a liberal is. All the men in my family including myself have served this country in battle. So I understand what the Flag stands for and the blood that was shed to defend it. I would bet that 70% I mentioned could care less about our flag. That's why they voted for a man that could care less about this country. I have to say I love saying "I told you so.
That is absolutely ridiculous to say. He is pulling us back from the brink that 8 years of Cheney wrought upon us. So how has Iraq served OUR freedom. Saddam was a douche but not worth the 4,000+ dead soldiers and 100's of billions borrowed from China to fund it. Obama is doing the right thing, getting us out of there and making an INFORMED decision on Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
sorry but a flag is just a flag, it was created for the military and adopted by the people.


Active Member
i make over 6 figures a year. wat do u do?????????
This is exactly what's going on in DC. This my daddy can beat up your daddy bullshit! Come on guys all politicians are idiots. I wouldn't be proud admitting I'm a democrat or a republican. They both screw things up in their own way. GEEZ!


Well-Known Member
oh good another smartass obamabot spellin teacher. listen son i dont work at Home Depot i MANAGE it. i own land n real estate all over the place i drive a 70,000 dollar ford excrsion with a 12 " lift n 44" super swampers wat do you do?
1.u really braggin about a ford..lol i dont even work and i drive a navigator.
2. even if u manage your lil store bro u still work for homedepot just puttin that out there

i make over 6 figures a year. wat do u do?????????
are these wax figures or beer can sculptures can i maybe by one of these six figures


Active Member
I have lurked around Progressive sites enough to make such a determination. And I personally have heard enough idle chatter in Democratic circles to make such a statement with confidence. It is a common sentiment. The contempt displayed by Progressives toward Conservatives is no secret. ?
'anecdotal evidence' for the win. (its a logical fallacy, sunshine)

Even Candidate Obama did it when he thought he was in a friendly audience. Clinging to god and guns remember?
yeah it was a stupid thing for him to say. he was at least big enough to apologize and recant for acting like an ass. how about you?

Did I state all Progressives did this? No I did not. That's merely what you desperately wanted me to write, but I disappointed you. Don't worry, Republicans do the same thing. Please note I did not say all Republicans.

He's demonstrating for us the shallow understanding Progressives have of Conservatives. This is what Progressive tell each other about Conservatives when they talk to each other privately. By channeling some bigoted dumb ass, he thinks he is stereotyping Conservatives when in reality he is stereotyping Progressives' innate unwillingness to understand anything beyond their own perceptions.
1 : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : native, inborn <innate behavior>
2 : belonging to the essential nature of something : inherent
3 : originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience

(and yes, i know you're going to ignore this too a.k.a. 'win')

Why don't you go back to the other thread and bray on. It's very entertaining.

I don't fight battles I've already won.
if by 'winning' you mean ignoring valid points which refute your argument, name calling, and leaving negative rep like a bratty child, then yeah you sure won, champ.

Do you even know the definition of a troll in this context?
you are seeking to bicker online, not have a debate. when someone presents evidence against your weak argument you throw a tantrum and insult others rather than approach it in a constructive manner. trolls are here to 'win'. i really don't give a shit how you choose to define it.

I scoff in your general direction.


Active Member
Good call PVS, they can't admit when they're wrong, and they use bogus facts if any to support the argument. It's like arguing with a door


Active Member
That is absolutely ridiculous to say. He is pulling us back from the brink that 8 years of Cheney wrought upon us. So how has Iraq served OUR freedom. Saddam was a douche but not worth the 4,000+ dead soldiers and 100's of billions borrowed from China to fund it. Obama is doing the right thing, getting us out of there and making an INFORMED decision on Afghanistan.
My misinformed friend. You watch too much CNN. Can your tiny brain remember WAY back to 9-11-01. When we attacked aphganistan the people that attacked this country fled to Iraq. I WAS THERE BUDDY!!!! I lost a lot of friends. What do we do, continue to allow them ( saddam, osama, etc) to plot and plan the destruction of this country. It was just a matter of time before saddam would have done something himself. I guess we can do what u probably suggest, sit around and wait until we are attacked again before we do something. Tell that to the victoms of 9-11. So go get your US magazine and a cup of Java and continue to think u know wqhat u r talking about. But until you have set foot on a battleground you can shove your ideas up your ass. It amazes me the confidence people have in their own ignorance


Well-Known Member
what we should do is say fuck everyone we owe money too. thats step one bam no more debt to china etc.. two we bring our entire armed services home lock down our country and tell any of our former creditors if they want their money come get it.. step three bye bye welfare let natural selection do its thing.. 4 we close our doors we make what we need and import nothing same wit exporting.. as long as we have our entire millitary home we might as well station a good number on the mexican border ... yeah thats about right yep dgk 4 president.. its time we care about us ourselves and only us..


Active Member
Actually they fled to Pakistan, Al Qaeda in Iraq only came about AFTER we invaded. YOU forget, Saddam was not Religious and did not get along with Al Qaeda (religious fanatics). They didn't trust each other. I appreciate your service, but it is obvious you were on the very low end of the information chain.


Active Member
sorry but a flag is just a flag, it was created for the military and adopted by the people.
This is exactly what I mean. Nothing means nothing to anyone anymore. The Flag means freedom to me. But as you see with this socialist idiot in office we are about to find out what its like to lose that freedom. Wait and see! Wait and see! Hahahahaha


Active Member
he's the president of the united states. if you can't be a good patriotic american and support him then you can geeeeeeeeeeeit out!

situational ethics are fun. teehee


Active Member
Cadeneli - it seems to me you have forgoten the Oath you sweared when entering the service, just to remind you

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.