Does any one know how to keep the plant short?


Well-Known Member
Hey just wondering the best way to get the plant to stay pretty short. Got any suggestions???


Active Member
Define "short". For me, short means 5', so they dont grow over a 6' fence. Is "short" six inches, two feet, or what? Brussels


Well-Known Member
keep your light as close as possible to the top of the plant, without burning it and it wont stretch..............:peace:...........................................................


Well-Known Member
keep your light as close as poss...i did this and i had inch nodes with cfl....lst(low stress training)....early flowering but that lessens your yeild with sum strains...get creative


New Member
Topping works great, also i have heard great things about Humboldt countys "Bushmaster" supplement
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Small pots (will effect yeald per plant but you can fit a lot of yogurt pots in even a 1 foot x 1 foot box so overall yield should be ok, GONNA TRY THIS ONE NEXT GROW). Or train your plants. Basically tie them down so they grow in circles instead of up (not done this one yet).


Well-Known Member
tie it down. also there are products to slowroll growth but that is not organic. tie it down.gotta 2 foot silver haze plant now.


Active Member
Small pots (will effect yeald per plant but you can fit a lot of yogurt pots in even a 1 foot x 1 foot box so overall yield should be ok, GONNA TRY THIS ONE NEXT GROW). Or train your plants. Basically tie them down so they grow in circles instead of up (not done this one yet).
Yogurt containers growing in circles? Why waste your time. Most of us clone in larger containers...B