I find this topic very interesting. I've been meaning to post a similar topic, so I will just post it here. -only because its kinda like the topic
I do not get the restless leg thing when coming down from a high. I do, however, get extremely tense in my neck and shoulder muscles and frequently my masseter muscle. Sometimes its bad enough to reach down into the upper part of my back. I am also more fidgety, I am sure from the

I do not get the restless leg thing when coming down from a high. I do, however, get extremely tense in my neck and shoulder muscles and frequently my masseter muscle. Sometimes its bad enough to reach down into the upper part of my back. I am also more fidgety, I am sure from the
. But those tight muscles... man they hurt. I am constantly having to reach up and massage my neck and shoulder area for just a bit of relief.