Well, I do all these. But, I'm just not sure of the terms. I feel great. Am I balancing chakra? Do I have chakra? I don't know.
I do know you have to leave behind any and all these details. There are no elemental lifeforms. You don't need a shield. That is just more fear based western stuff.
I constantly meditate to experience Self as a powerful inner vibration. Is that the Word of God? The essential soul? I don't know. Not relevant. In meditation we do not think. Therefore it is not a spirit journey. What's that? Astral? What's that?
In my experience in this, from age 20, now 60, it can be just another religion. All external mind-capturing toy-like descriptions, the fantasy astral worlds, the spirits, the peyote, LSD, MDMA, etc. nothing is real when compare to indescribable Self Knowledge.
My advice is to sit and chant a basic vibration sound. Draw it out real long so you get a good deep breath each time.
Like Gooooooooooooooooooood, OR Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, or Oooooooooooooom.
Then IT will come to you. No worries. No seeking. No definitions. A new connection with Self. It is only because you spent your precious, finite time to train to duck thoughts.
Right. Don't think of pink elephants.

There is no way to not think except to give the mind a repetition to follow so we can duck beyond the thoughts for a brief taste of raw Now.
But, Please believe me. Before enlightenment; chop wood, tote water. After enlightenment; chop wood, tote water. Life goes on.There is only your mind to make a difference between one journey and the another. I don't want to be thinking in fear when I die. This is the only way, I know. I can't buy these Holy comfort stories. I don't want a fantasy salvation. (from what?) I want to See for myself.