Does anybody know anything about aquaphonics?


Active Member
I've been doing some research and I think I will grow my pot plants using aquaphonics. This is a process in which the roots hang down in a fish bowl, while the plant provides oxygen for the fish and filters the water, the fish provides CO2.

Has anyone ever tried this to grow with before?

I have a 1 foot FG T5 Daylight Bulb and a 2 foot flurol bulb.

I will be growing in a closet with removable shelves so as my plant gets bigger I can adjust the lighting and surface area for the plant.

right now I have some 20-8-20 plant food.
but from what I have learned I need a plant food with more phosphorus?

I have 3 peat moss cubes for germination.

I only want to grow one plant for my first time since this is expirimental, but I know that there is a 50% chance of getting a male plant so I now have a 1 in 2 chance of getting a female plant.

The measurements for my closet are 86 inches by 26 inches.

I plan on tinfoiling the closet to reflect light.

IS there anything missing?
Do you think this will work?
-Thanks WickedK


Active Member
well I was planning on having it platform style, with a barrier between the top of the plant and the fish tank, so when I mist the leaves with nurtrients it doesn't go into the water.

The only thing touching the water will be the roots.


Active Member
I think when I start to get buds I will spray for about 2 weeks, then switch to fresh water, just so the nutrients run out for a tastier spoke.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting but your nutrient ratio is a little wrong right now

first stage of growth should be high in N and barely anything more than 5 for p and K

Then later you want low N and high P and K

Good idea send pics!



New Member
I've heard about this method and you can actually buy specially designed pots to grow them in. Botanists have been having amazing results using this method. I've even seen comparison pictures between aqua and hydro... the aqua plant was easily twice the size...


Well-Known Member
I've heard about this method and you can actually buy specially designed pots to grow them in. Botanists have been having amazing results using this method. I've even seen comparison pictures between aqua and hydro... the aqua plant was easily twice the size...
i seriuosly think ur better off with aeropnics man, this seems rather stress ful work for you and the plant


New Member
Honestly though, Aquaponics is the new boy on the block. I was reading about it a couple of months ago in Soft Secrets... A few of the Dutch farmers are experimenting with the method even as we speak... We'll probably be hearing a lot more about aquaponics in the coming year.

I say go for it... what difference does it make how you start? If you've got the confidence and the know-how there's no reason why you shouldn't do it the way you want.


Active Member
Well I guess I'm going to have to do this and record it, make canada catch up with the dutch, I dunno, maybe me fucking around with this could spark a new growing age with the foundations for transfering land plants into water plants, with growing in the sea there would be way more food possibilities and resulting in a higher population density. IT will be a another baby boom because of the available resources. History repeats itself. yo I'm like that guy from jurassic park, I scare myself :(


Active Member
okay, wel I set you an aquarium full of goldfish, resting above it is a tupperware container full of sterilized gravel, with my seeds and the moss it's growing in. Right now I have a problem, how do I pump water up onto the rockbed so it can drain back into the tank?


New Member
okay, wel I set you an aquarium full of goldfish, resting above it is a tupperware container full of sterilized gravel, with my seeds and the moss it's growing in. Right now I have a problem, how do I pump water up onto the rockbed so it can drain back into the tank?
If you don't know what you're doing... I'd advise growing in soil. Aquaponics is fairly new, if you're going to attempt it buy yourself the correct equipment, or at least go out and find a growing system that you can take a good look at. Once you'ge got the general principle you should be able to work around everything else.


Active Member
lol, but I wanna do something different.
And since it's new I get to make up my own ways of doing it man.

I'll find a camera and take a picture.

I have an aquarium, suspended above it is a rock bed, I have two tubes that I sucked on the end so I can diffuse water upwards to the rockbed, and the water trickles along the rocks and drains back into the aquarium.

There are six goldfish which produce the nutrients for my plant.

I need sodium bicarbonate to keep the ph at 7 for the fish and calcium boosters daily and iron supplement once a week for growth of chloroplasts and filling in the gaps in the cycle.

My seedling have sprouted and on working on foundationing itsselve in the rockbed.

Don't worry I did lots of research, if I fuck up, I'll learn from my mistake and try again.


New Member
Fair enough... you sound confident of your own ability and this should see you through... good luck... looking forward to the pic's.


Well-Known Member
aquaponics uses the fecal mater of the fish as nutes no nutes in the tank and a submercable pump would be your best bet