does anyone eles have this???


Active Member
i been smokin for a good few years now and ive noticed over the years im come more and more got to point where i had to smoke on my own and didnt want to be around people but its better now. was jsut wondering if anyone eles been like that...i think it was because i was weak minded..:-?

happy blazin:joint:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
YES... very common...

SOmetimes I just can't hang out with people who smoke weed avry day cause they are to damn analytical.... and then it eventually turns to parnoia ...




Active Member
yeh thats wot it is...its liek ive let it take control were im too weak minded.. i used to think every car coming up the road wanted to hit me lol and i couldnt do things stoned. i was to worried wot people would think and used to think people were laughing behind my back. but i reolise it was paranoia now and im over coming it :twisted:

jsut wonderd how many people felt like that


Active Member
yeh thats wot it is...its liek ive let it take control were im too weak minded.. i used to think every car coming up the road wanted to hit me lol and i couldnt do things stoned. i was to worried wot people would think and used to think people were laughing behind my back. but i reolise it was paranoia now and im over coming it :twisted:

jsut wonderd how many people felt like that

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i use to have that but not anymore. i use prozacs and anti psychotics. i used too many bad drugs. i hate chemicals!


The Gardener
ups and downs highs and lows

You dont want to get stuck in that way of thinking man the more u smoke and think this way the worse it will get I know people like it now

Try and keep it possitive thats the key
Negitive thoughts will make it worse and if your smoking every day its going to seem 100x the worse
Somtimes we all need a break from smoking for a week or 2 as mad as it sounds just to clear the head


Master of Mayhem
I used to get paranoid as fuck when I first started smokin. Don't worry... it will pass with time. I call it "learning to maintain".


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain now whenever I smoke I carry a fully loaded automatic rifle with extra clips but Im still so jumpy the other day i pulled a gun out on a squirrel whom I thought was giving me dirty looks but the poor guy was only lookin at me cuz I had the munchies and was eatin nutty butty so you guys better be careful out there JMHO


Well-Known Member
yea hes ok his eye is still a little swollen from when I pistol whipped him but how was I supposed to know he was just checkin out my ice cream cone? anyway we are cool now