Does anyone else only water upon seeing drooping leaves?

Is this a common watering method?

I saw a couple other users here mention this method and wanted to start a bigger conversation about this. Pros/cons?

For me, letting the pots dry to slight wilting is the lazy way to avoid over watering, and a lazy sign of when to start watering every day. I only do this in early veg and up pot phase, and check every day during those phases. For late veg onward, the pots should be full of roots, so wilting is completely avoided, as it isn't a good thing.

I did get a little wet. We had a few showers the other day. Just the weight of the water on the leaves. Lanky sativa.

Haha I was leaning toward under watered because of the big bends, you got me ;[.
All overwatering is is a lack of oxygen starving the roots for o2.

That’s why u can’t over water in hydro lol

Dense media and poor drainage are the two most common issue with overwatering.

Once the soil gets below a certain moisture level your microbial heard dies off.

Ideally you want to water less more often than the common wet/dry cycles. It also helps to stop the peat becoming hydrophobic