does anyone else randomly twitch when there really stoned


Active Member
Dude, that happens to me all the time. Its usually only when I'm really high though... I thought I was the only one :peace:


Well-Known Member
are you for cereal? showers are the best high, or getting high durring.
I dont really have twitching problem but when I take a huge hit i can feel it makeing my brain high right behind my eyes, it forces me to shut my eyes untill the hit wears off so im blinded for a minute


Well-Known Member
well its because my knobs are all fucked up and are wicked sensitive so its hard to control the heat and cold


Well-Known Member
are you for cereal? showers are the best high, or getting high durring.
I dont really have twitching problem but when I take a huge hit i can feel it makeing my brain high right behind my eyes, it forces me to shut my eyes untill the hit wears off so im blinded for a minute

Lol its forces you to shut your eyes and so youre blind for a min, thats hilarious!:clap:


Well-Known Member
i have restless leg syndrome and smokin takes care of it and allows me to fall asleep quickly and easily.

as for twitching sometimes my hands clench closed super hard for about 2-3 seconds and then my arms go straight and i stretch out my arms really hard. kinda weird. but i don't twitch.


Active Member
I do, but its a combination of bud and Subutex which i take semi-regularly. I believe the Subutex is the main cause but I do remember getting small twitches when smoking bud and bud alone.


Well-Known Member
I used to get a slight head shake/twitch back when I smoked. Stopped smoking (for other reasons) Ad went to beer. (Homer: mmmm beeeer)
Now that I'm smoking again those shakes have returned. Oddly, its after a few days of *not* smoking.

I still think its stress related. Stress levels elevated at both points.