Does anyone fantasize a lot here?

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

As the title implies, does anyone fantasize a lot here? Like, I mean a LOT.

Maybe I'll start. The decision to make this thread came when I was baked yesterday. While I was pondering on my life I came to the conclusion that basically every single bloody day, every step of the way I fantasize. It happens when I tend to my plants, when I cook and when I travel. It was a type of shock to me, because I finally "pinned it down".

I know that human beings, being the apex mammels on this Earth have the predespositions to fantasize (the mind is an extraordinary tool), but I recon some do it more times than others.
Never in my life have I come across a person who does it as often as me. I was talking with my friend the other day whom I was baked as well with and he old me that he doesn fantasize, but very rarely. Most of the time he's either baked when he does or when he has nothing else to do with himself.

I've come to understand that I have just accepted the fact and I find it natural, just like breating or drinking water. Could one say that my body has become dependant on it?

Post your thoughts guys & gals. Looking forward to what ya'll have to say.
Of course , completely forgot about that.

Hmm... I don't mean sexual fantasies or anything like that. What I mean is basically you just create some kind of characters in your head. Not only characters, but these could be situations, scenes, other people, world etc. Basically you create your own type of "world", just like in a movie or book.

They can of course be random situations, but most of the times I create something that holds true to me and somehow reflects myself.

Maybe I'll explain it on myself. For example I am a huge Lord of The Rings fan. Some of my fantasizing includes creating a fictional (duh) character that is a reflection of myself. He's heavily involved with the events that transpire in the books/movies. He's a knight from Gondor that travels with the Fellowship of the Ring throughout the whole story. It's like I was a writer and I am now altering Tolkiens work by sticking in a new character or any event for that matter.

I find it very hard to describe myself, so I hope that was clearer. :D
And I see tons of fantasy here. People dreaming of going to CO, buying a ton of gear and growing pot they can't break even on.
Hah, that as well, good point.

Although come to think of it I fantasize sometimes about being a professioal grower. I imagine what my setup would be, what my goals are etc.

So I define fantastizing about creating fiction in ones head and then activley taking part in it.
Hah, that as well, good point.

Although come to think of it I fantasize sometimes about being a professioal grower. I imagine what my setup would be, what my goals are etc.

So I define fantastizing about creating fiction in ones head and then activley taking part in it.
Creative minds' escapes. Yes my life has been a long one.
My brain conjures my entire experience. I am all the shit it comes up with. I don't control the neural firing patterns - I AM those patterns.
That is interesting. I've also noticed that during my fantastizing, the characters are a huge reflection of myself. Fears, hopes, dreams etc. But you hit the nail on the head, we are what the mind tells us to be.