Does anyone grow psychoactive plants?


Your cat looks like grumpy cat hehe.
Banisteriopsis Muricata
Mimosa Hostilis
Psychotria Nexus
Psychotria Carthagenensis
Acacia Acuminata
Acacia Maidenii
Acacia floribunda
Not at all a fan of LSA but morning glories are beautiful flowers :)
What's wrong with LSA?

I knew of a friend who munched on some seeds in HS and went to a crowded outdoor concert and freaked out haha I think that's more of a case of set and setting though...
While I didnt freak out on LSA I didn't feel Pink Floyd, either.

It was a high school attempt at getting loopy which ended up as an okay night of watching The Simpsons accompanied by throwing up pesticide coated seeds half digested.
While I didnt freak out on LSA I didn't feel Pink Floyd, either.

It was a high school attempt at getting loopy which ended up as an okay night of watching The Simpsons accompanied by throwing up pesticide coated seeds half digested.
Well the point of growing my own is so they're not coated with anything nasty, then I'd do an extraction. Not feeling Pink Floyd is a bad sign though...
What's wrong with LSA?

I knew of a friend who munched on some seeds in HS and went to a crowded outdoor concert and freaked out haha I think that's more of a case of set and setting though...
Too much body load.

I grow pine trees for pulp wood...
When the pulp gets processed into paper,I load LSD on it.
No,you can't have any seeds:-)
Cotton makes more absorbent paper :)
Too much body load.

Cotton makes more absorbent paper :)
Everybody's got cotton paper..let's be fanatical.. Remember the little toy dinosaurs that grew and expanded when you left them in water over night?
Let's make sheets with that material:-)
Unpleasant body effects. For me LSA produces a lot of GI effects and a weird feeling in my muscles.
I've heard of lots of nausea/lower GI difficulties when eating whole seeds, but I assumed that was just the seed itself and an extraction would take care of that. Is it the LSA itself that causes the GI effects?

I think I understand what you mean by body load though, like the feeling of heaviness I get on shrooms that just makes me want to remain in one place and not move around cause I feel uncoordinated. Is that accurate?
No there's serotonin receptors in the gut that all psychedelics will bind to and activate to some extent but how much depends on the individual compound. GI issues are generally worse when you're consuming active plant/fungal material compared to the drugs alone but they will do it.
That's pretty much exactly what I'm talking about btu I'll consider pretty much any unpleasant body sensation under the heading of body load.