does anyone have a problem with thoughts i worry alot and believe my made up thoughts

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i lovelovelove blue strains, so go blueberry if you know what ya doin.. i hear BB's can be a bit finicky when it comes to nutes, and pretty much needs to be topped for good yield


Well-Known Member
ya no doubt, so what strain should i get off attitude i was looking at the doggies nuts blue berry and the white widow, i donno which one would b better for my buck
i just germed some of simon's serious seeds white russian i got from tude, i hear they are quite good, we shall c in bout 3 months , hopefully i can find me a short stocky pheno mamma, then i shall b a happy proud father


Well-Known Member
i was in same boat bout 5 years ago, the bitch tore me apart, find someone new, someone who isnt bi-polar crazy and she will make you feel better than the crazy bitch ever did, worked for me..... but the crazy bitch will always be with you in your thoughts, it will slowly diminish as time goes by though, mine was my first actual true love, thats what really fucked me up, couldnt live without her, or so i thought, time will heal, find someone who loves you for you and it will make things worse, but even now i still find some things that will take me back in the past thinking of her and all the good , and bad times..... but fuck dem crazy bitches homie, they will only fuck you up
find someone who loves you for you and it will make things worse , i meant it will make things better lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need to detox....and learn to meditate instead of medicate, for a while.


Well-Known Member
Oh and to the OP, may as well get over it and on with it man, theres gonna be plenty others, you must be young.


Well-Known Member
what you doing on a pot growing forum if you're a buddhist?
buddhists can be anywhere doing anything. it doesn't necessarily mean abstaining from cannabis, just don't abuse it and use it reasonably. I think you're confusing being a monk with being buddhist (correct me if I"m wrong.. but either way I'm just using it to be a better person I doubt I'd be frowned upon for blazing once in a while.)


Well-Known Member
According to the fifth precept of the Pancasila, Buddhists should refrain from any quantity of intoxicants which would prevent mindfulness or cause heedlessness.
ah well that's good because cannabis isn't an intoxicant as it is not a toxic substance ;)

and it doesn't prevent mindfulness or cause heedlessness if you don't abuse it.


Well-Known Member
Buddhism sounds like any form of bullshit organized religion nowadays and seems to leave room for people to see it how they want to see it and not how it actually is. I'm glad I buy into NONE of the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Buddhism sounds like any form of bullshit organized religion nowadays and seems to leave room for people to see it how they want to see it and not how it actually is. I'm glad I buy into NONE of the bullshit.
ahahahaha you obviously don't know shit about it...

that isn't even my own interpretation, those words are as they sound.

buddhism doesn't want you to live without joys, you're just not supposed to abuse these joys for your own good...


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
ahahahaha you obviously don't know shit about it...

that isn't even my own interpretation, those words are as they sound.

buddhism doesn't want you to live without joys, you're just not supposed to abuse these joys for your own good...

Yes it was always my thinking that buddhism is a way to think, rather than a religion requiring attendance/intense studying/preying to THEIR god. Correct me if I'm wrong pops I've never actually looked into buddhism.. but one of my parents attented the temple (if they call it that) and practiced buddhism for 10-15 years... I believe I was born without being bapteized or belonging to any relgion and given a freedom of choice. I believe that parents ideas are subconcously instilled into me just because of what they DIDN'T do..

why top the plant, like super crop?
Google 'uncle ben topping'

Also google 'topping blueberry' for strain specific info on topping/yields
Thousands of people answered these questions already, and can explain it in a far better way than I currently.


Well-Known Member
Yes it was always my thinking that buddhism is a way to think, rather than a religion requiring attendance/intense studying/preying to THEIR god. Correct me if I'm wrong pops I've never actually looked into buddhism.. but one of my parents attented the temple (if they call it that) and practiced buddhism for 10-15 years... I believe I was born without being bapteized or belonging to any relgion and given a freedom of choice. I believe that parents ideas are subconcously instilled into me just because of what they DIDN'T do..

Google 'uncle ben topping'

Also google 'topping blueberry' for strain specific info on topping/yields
Thousands of people answered these questions already, and can explain it in a far better way than I currently.
it definitely is more of a way of living rather than an organized religion... I'd have to look up the definition of religion to see if it truly is one or not.... but its definitely not like all the other religions in the sense that you're free to use what works and disagree with what doesn't work for you.... (that doesn't necessarily mean deny major parts, but sometimes there may be parts that don't jive with you... however I haven't ran into anything like this in buddhism, yet.)