Does anyone have any sucess with growing coca plants in northern cali?

i've read // seen pics of people growing them but i dont know what region they are in. i am not looking to grow a lot just a enough for tea and some chewing, from what i understand is that they are really hard to trasplant and finding fresh germinated seeds are hard to come by and they can die quite easily. does anyone have any tips of tutorials on this? it'd be greatly appreciately. thanks again and stay safe.


Well-Known Member
All I know is that it takes about 100-120kilos of coca leaves to make 1kilo of paste


Well-Known Member
this probably sounds foolish but how does one acquire the seed/clone to even make that happen is what i wanna kno. i wonder what benefits there are to using the leaves for tea...seems interesting.
you can find fresh seeds and even clones online(i've actually stumbled on a forum that is dedicated to growing coca).. they are rare and very expensive(i saw a 1.5 year old plant for sale for $1k) but it can be done, either under lights or outdoors. i wouldn't waste any lights on them, i guess my question was about their survival out in the sun in the bay area.. i actually dont even remember making this post lol.. i guess i was fucked up on xanax.. also coca products // leaves (not talking about cocaine) are actually really good for your body and the tea isnt that strong its more like having coffee. one could always save all of the trouble and just order the leaves online but i would much rather have a few plants of my own.


Well-Known Member
ive taken the tea before when i was in south america, it actually numbs you throat, imo its perfect for sore throats.


Well-Known Member
ive taken the tea before when i was in south america, it actually numbs you throat, imo its perfect for sore throats.
and porn stars/prostitutes

you can find fresh seeds and even clones online(i've actually stumbled on a forum that is dedicated to growing coca).. they are rare and very expensive(i saw a 1.5 year old plant for sale for $1k) but it can be done, either under lights or outdoors. i wouldn't waste any lights on them, i guess my question was about their survival out in the sun in the bay area.. i actually dont even remember making this post lol.. i guess i was fucked up on xanax.. also coca products // leaves (not talking about cocaine) are actually really good for your body and the tea isnt that strong its more like having coffee. one could always save all of the trouble and just order the leaves online but i would much rather have a few plants of my own.
i wish i could get my hands on a few beans...not to manufacture concaine...but for chewing purposes. ive read up on the whole leaf chewing subject and found its actually good for u...

so now the hunt begins!

any advice